Sunday 15 July 2012

iphone - How to add in interface declaration without getting errors in older version like iOS 3.2 -

down IOS4.0 and work for the above, but depending on when you build with IOS3.2 me an error could not find "protocol" Ansaksmelprrs Diliaget "announcement" Thank you "

  #import & lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; #if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED & gt; = __IPHONE_4_0 @ interface Maiklas: NSObject & lt; NSXMLParserDelegate & gt; #else @interface MyClass: NSObject #endif {...}    

Protocol is initiated from iOS 4 All that basically means methods @optional

announcement of adopted protocols to do so in this case because only the compiler holds happy.

  @interface MyClass: NSObject   

instead of compiling sets consistent class protocols at the time to do it at runtime.

  - (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (protocol *) aProtocol {NSString * protocolName = NSStringFromProtocol (aProtocol); If ([protocol name is extolstration: @ "NSXMLPerserAnalyGate"]) [return yes; } Return [Super Configo Protocol: Apricotol]; } - (zero) Setup Percer {myParser = [[NSXMLParlock Alok] initWithContentsOfURL: if any]; // Insert the crypt warning to myParser.delegate = (id) to close itself as an id; Probably overwrite (BOOL) on  conformsToProtocol: (Protocol *) aProtocol is not required but it is likely to hurt.   

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