Sunday 15 July 2012

perform XSLT Transform in intelliJ on files with other extension (e.g. DITA, HTML) -

As stated in the title, I want to be able to do XML conversion with XSLT 2.0 in intelliJ.

  • I know that IntelliJ can do the conversion, but it only recognizes .xml files
  • I want to convert the XML file to (abstract) with .dita, or .html extension
  • I use Windows 7.

    I know that oxygen can also change, but it is very expensive. So this is not an option for me.

    Does anyone know any plugin? Can the configuration support any change or extension with JSLL XL? It provides XSLT 1.0 transfomation outside the box, but XSLT 2.0 changes require little configuration. Details are available on jetbrains website, but essentially, you must enable the "XPathView + XSLT support" plugin. This plugin is bundled with Intellij and enabled by default so that you would like to go out of the box for XSLT 1.0. You can simply open your stylesheet file in the editor and right-click on the file, if you click on it, you will get a drop-down with one of the "run .xsl" option, then you You can specify the source document and whether the output should go to the console or a file and then intellij will run your stylesheet and the output will be where you choose.

    Additional configuration is required for XSLT 2.0 XSLT processor that supports XSLT 2.0 for class This is what you need to do because XSLT processor comes standard with JDK Apache XL and it supports XSLT 2.0 does not. Saxon O 9 is an independent XSLT processor that supports XSLT 2.0. You can download the jar from the project site and then you can open it in the project structure dialog, add it to your project, go to module settings and open the dependency tab. Add the jar as a new dependency and make sure it is at the top of the list of dependencies, above JDK. Intellij now to make changes to JDK instead of using this XSLT processor.

    FYI, you can add Saxena as a dependency using Maven, and then it will appear automatically in the Dependency tab and you will need to make sure that it moves to the top of the list

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