Sunday 15 July 2012

twitter bootstrap - css style datepicker issue with flatly bootswatch theme -

I am using the flat bootstarp theme And date picture component found

When used, the date pciker looks like this

 date picker

To change what styles I change, I do not want to mess with CSS. Here's the issue

  & lt; Input class = "span2" id = 'dp3' size = "16" type = "text" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# dp3'). Date picture ({format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', autoclose: true});});    

Add the CSS below to the file to you

  Body {color: # ccc; }   

Edit: I have a problem with you, The CSS file is missing for your starter < / P>

Check it out

I think this is right for you?

EDIT2: I Just checked the bootstrap date picture and made some changes to look like this.

  .Datepicker {background-color: #fff; Color: # 000; }   

Check and now it looks like

Some CSS file is trying to generate conflict.

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