Wednesday 15 August 2012

How do I make a method in CakePHP output normal HTML after defaulting the controller to JSON? -

I am creating an Android application and I am using KPHP on my server side. I have a user controller where this account gives Jasonon data for login, register and more except activation. Since this account activation method is only called in a web browser client, I want to display a simple HTML page and do not want the output JSON. How can I do this after returning my controller JSON data? I have defaulted it to JSON with the public $ viewClass = 'Json';

Read this chapter, explains what Jason's best way is! / P>

If I think your question is correct then you want to send HTML after sending JSN? Okay, you can not return two different things in the same reaction.

If you are looking to separate data, read the link. Just add /users/action.json to Jason Extension and you will get a JSON response, if not HTML

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