Wednesday 15 August 2012

linux - Process killed due to too much memory? -

I have an Ubuntu 12.10 (kernel 3. 9.0-RC2) installation running on VMWare. I've given it 512 MB RAM.
cat / proc / meminfo Show:
Note: 507864 KB
MemFree: 440180

I want to use swap (for some reason) I wrote a program that Assigns 500 MB array (using malloc ()) and fills it with junk. However, the program is killed before filling the entire array and a "killed" message appears on the screen.

I want to ask that this is normal behavior and what is the reason behind it? In my opinion, swaps should be used because the free RAM is insufficient.

EDIT: I did not tell that I have 1GB swaps showing I cat / proc / swaps:
/ dev / sda5 Size: 1046524 Used: 14672.
When I archive When I run a program, then the "used" amount increases. But as you can see, there are lots of swaps left. So why should the program be 'killed'?

So I could not find a valid answer. I have a temporary solution:

I modified the virtual machine settings to give VM 512MB of RAM. Now I returned back to 2 GB and used 500MB in 5 contemporary programs. Thankfully, they all run and swap is used

I need to use swap for a project on swap management.

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