Tuesday 15 January 2013

php - How to send data from a vb.net app to a web server? -

The app I created in Visual Studio receives my data from the user PC, which is currently in a text file upload The server stores and thus I get the data. I was wondering if it sends the same data without using text files in a way, but can any kind of TCP connection directly use PHP in a mysql server? How will this be done?

You can write a simple PHP web-service , "Uploaddata. Php ":

  & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ["data"])) {echo ("saved these data:". $ _POST ["data"]); } Else {echo "error: no data!"; }? & Gt; Use it with your  VB.Net  using   

and :

  dim wc String = wc.UploadString ("http: //localhost/uploaddata.php", "data =" as new WebClient wc.Headers ("content type") = "application / x-www-form-url-expoded" 123 "& Environment; New & amp;" 456 "and Environment. NewLine &" 789 ") MessageBox.Show (Feedback)   


  This saved data: 123 456 789    

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