Thursday 15 August 2013

c++ - FreeType error when building in XCode -

First of all, the previous story:

I do not know what is doing.

A lie speaks, I know what I am doing. I compiled I am a web developer, so the code to see what all the mistakes, but to try to use Xcode is a new book for me anyway, I designed a game that using Sfmel on Windows in C + + And now we're trying to get it into OS X (I'm just one of the groups with a Mac).

Execode 4.6.1 and SFML 2.0 I'm trying to create this damn application, and it's not a headache yet. The current situation of getting this thing to work with makes no mistake, but the construction stops and this shows is not so bad:

  dyld: Library not loaded: @ executable_path / .. /Frameworks/freetype.framework/ versions / a / referenced freetype: / users / Eric / Library / developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test haconqzbewevbwgukppsacykkpml / Construction / Products / debug / Testkapp / Content / Frameworks / sfml-Graphics Structure / Version / 2.0.0 / sfml- graphics reason: Incompatible library version: sfml- graphics or later is required 17.0.0, but freetype version offers 16.0.0   

I just do not understand this mistake. I have the most advanced version of FreeType. I am also not sure that the version number 2.4.11 is in reference to considering the freestyle. I can not find this error any more, any ideas?

The error message refers to the library's compatibility version This is a version number Which is cooked in the dynamic library given at that time when it is made. Is linked against a binary library, compatibility version LC_LOAD_DYLIB load command which is copied to the runtime which tells dyld on the need to load dynamic libraries is. If a library is loaded by dyld , the compatibility version is checked and if the version of the program is more than that version of the library, it is an error.

When you run Otool -L freetype.framework / Versions / A / Friple you will see that it 16.0.0 as its compatibility version of the report < / Code>. If you do it sfml-graphics.framework / versions / 2.0.0 / sfml-graphics run it 17.0.0 report compatibility version for you to see if the Is freetype.framework . So you're hitting the error case described above.

The most common reason for such an error is that you created an old version of a workflow version that you created, and any related frameworks, against Note that in this sense the "old" refers to the compatibility version and no other version number associated with the framework (for example, the marketing version).

Without knowing the origin of the two structures involved (for example, if you make them yourself, or from where you receive binaries), it is not absolutely clear that you went wrong Are there. I will however note that the SFML GIT repository appears with the appropriate compatibility version ( 17.0.0 ), so if you are using a binary of sfml-graphics.framework SFML is provided by the people, then it may be your solution to choose their freestyle structure.

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