Thursday 15 August 2013

How to accept tcl bitmaps list -

Is there a way to get a list of Betamap images that come with TCL distribution by default?

I have found a wiki page related to this question but it uses pre-prepared bitmap list

Bitmap images (unlike bitmap , which you should protect if you can) Image vs bitmap And this filtering can be listed by image image type :

  proc listBitmapImages {} {set bitmap {foreach im] Image names] {if {[image type] help  $ im] eq "bitmap"} {lappend bitmaps $ im}} return bitmap}   

Note that the not bitmap image per second (Some default bitmap , as listed on the Tk_GetBitmap manual page, but they no are otherwise searchable and are saved from the new one If all is possible, their portability is also very scary in the first place, and the main thing is that you can use them to lay down canvas items. Can choose an option to do T is actually portable.)

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