I'm trying to get Laravel 4 into Auto Load Helper files from I started it in a composer manner: by adding path to Note, I'm not throwing classes into supporting files - that's the same facades and packages. I just need small helpers, which is similar to Laravel's own (in the What can I do to automatically load helpers? It also seems that It seems that my question does not understand. In my Auto-loading is for classes only, depending on your function names you actually create random php files Can not independence. Your best bet is OOP and your assistants. You will only get the functionality of autoloaded files when needed, and you will do with the rest of the Laurel Community. But if you still want to use plain old non-object php functions, I think you can start individually apps / helpers Directory (I made it, obviously).
composer.json , and then
running dump-autoload . It was not working, I then tried with the
app / start / global.php file, which did not work either.
seller directory). I only say this because it seems that musicians only dump the list classes (with namespace) only.
ClassLoader :: addDirectories () function does not work for classes - why is it? Do I have to use both this and the composer?
app / assistants directory, I have a file named
paths.php . I want to be able to call the function within global scope (
theme_path ($ location) ).
() start. From php, but they will all be loaded on every page request
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