Saturday 15 March 2014

datatable inside Highcharts-Pie chart -

I want to display the dataset using the Highcharts in the pie chart. I can display the table outside, but if I export the image, the dataset is not exported, then my purpose is to display the dataset within the pie chart.

  $ (function () {Highcharts.drawTable}  

= Function () {// user option var tabletop = 200, collavdath = 60, table lift = 50, Line Heights = 20, Cellpadding = 2.5, Value Dissimmils = 1, Mansfix = ''; // Internal Variable Var Chart = This, Series = Chart.series, renderer = chart.renderer, cellLeft = tableLeft; // Category Category $ $ .each (series, function (serie_index, serie) {renderer.text (, cellLeft + cellpadding, tabletop + (serie_index + 1)), linewait - cellpadding. CSS ({fontWeight: 'bold'}) .add ();}); $ .eich (series [0]. Data, function (i) {renderer.text (series [0] data [i] .name, cellfight + callwidth - cellpadding, tabletop + (i + 2) * linewait - cellpadding). Attr ({align: 'right'}) .add ();}); $ .each (series [0] .data, function (i) {renderer.text (high quality number format (series [0] .data [i]., ValueDecimals) + manufix, 150, tabletop + (i + 2) * RowH eight - cellpadding) .attr ({align: 'left'}) .add ();}); } $ ('# Container'). (Top chart: {plot: background color: faucet, plot border line: zero, plot shadow: wrong, events: {load: Highcharts.drawTable}, height: 600, width: 800, marginbottom: 250} title: {text: 'Browser Market Share on a Specific Website, 2010'}, Tooltip: {pointFormat: '{}: & lt; b & gt; {point.percentage: .1f}% & lt; / b & gt; }, Plot option: {Pi: {allowPoint: select: right, cursor: 'pointer', data labels: {enable: true, color: '# 000000', connector color: '# 000000', format: '& lt ; B & gt; {} & lt; / b & gt ;: {point.percentage: .1f}% '}}}, series: [[Q Car: 'Pie', Name: 'Browser Share', Data: [['Firefox' ', 45.0], [' 'IE' ', 26.8], {Name:' Chrome ', Y: 12.8, Shredded: True, Chosen Gone: true}, ['safari', 8.5], ['opera', 6.2], ['other', 0.7]]}]}); });

For column headers, I do not know. It depends what you want to do.

For the boundaries, since that SVG, you can drag the boundaries using RECT and PATH . See your demo on some raw boundaries and you may be able to improve it.

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