Saturday 15 March 2014

.net - Nightly build - new setup needed? -

I support and develop a system that selects, updates and deletes links from fifteen different databases I am a solo developer.

I have started using source control (Turtle SVN). I hear the word "makes night" and I believe I will benefit from it. I have read a lot of information about the construction of the night, I understand the meaning of an exam system which is updated every night.

The problem I have is that the system I develop is complex and I have to create fifteen separate testing databases (some of them were developed at home and nothing else), plus a data cleaning The device that runs during the day and a testing system must also set up for it.

Is it worth saying that I'm developing a system that is very complex for the night? I do not think - there are many more complex systems, but have I understood the concept of composing the night correctly?

I call it an exam system that is updated every night. No, the creation of the night is not like it is an automated compilation of your source code, usually with the unit's automatic running and integration test ( Although strictly speaking, compiling part is build).

Is it worth saying that the system I develop is very complicated to build the night?

Exclusive? It's is an excuse but you do not need to start testing from 15 databases. You can start by receiving an automated compilation. After that you can add unit tests (which do not touch the database). Then start with the integration test with a database, after the second, until you cover all 15 more important functionality.

Generally above, a continuous integration (CI) can describe the environment, where the difference is that in most CI environments, each committed / triggered at checkin / push and tests are run (some At places, if all tests are green, the product is also automatically deployed).

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