Tuesday 11 March 2014

ORDER BY varchar with [a-9] instead of [0-Z] in SQL

ORDER BY varchar with [a-9] instead of [0-Z] in SQL

1.unicode - When must we use NVARCHAR/NCHAR instead of ...

Description:You should use NVARCHAR anytime you have to store multiple
languages. I believe you have to use it for the Asian languages but don't
quote me on it.


Description:28-05-2007 · Have you ever faced the problem of assigning more
than 8000 characters to varchar data type or more than 4000 characters to
nvarchar data type? If your ...

3.SQL SERVER – CASE Statement in ORDER BY Clause – ORDER ...

Description:17-07-2007 · Simon, Your method still has four cases, as you
said it will have data conversion problem as well slower or faster
depending on data. We absolutely do not ...

4.SQL SERVER – How to sort month names in month order ...

Description:How to sort month names in month order instead of alphabetical
order is a common problem and has been discussed on multiple forums. But
what encourages me to write ...

5.ORDER BY Clause (Transact-SQL)

Description:Sorts data returned by a query in SQL Server 2012. Use this
clause to: Order the result set of a query by the specified column list
and, optionally, limit the rows ...

6.Why is sql server storing question mark characters instead ...

Description:I'm trying to store Japanese characters in nvarchar fields in
my SQL Server 2000 database. When I run an update statement like: update
blah set address = N ...

7.Using the CASE expression instead of dynamic SQL in SQL Server

Description:Problem I have a lot of SQL update queries where I need to
make IF/ELSE types of decisions. I am using a cursor in some cases but
looping through thousands of rows ...

8.SQL SERVER – Change Order of Column In Database Tables ...

Description:08-04-2008 · One question I received quite often. How to
change the order of the column in database table? It happens many times
table with few columns is already created.

9.How to Order Numeric Values in a Varchar Field

Description:If you have ever tried to order numerical values in a varchar
field you'll know that the sort doesn't occur numerically as it would if
the datatype were numeric.

10.Perfromance issue related with nvarchar(max) in SQL server ...

Description:26-06-2012 · Lots of people has started using nvarchar(max)
instead of defining the fixed length nvarchar columns. This is mostly to
avoid the modification in the code ...

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