Saturday 15 March 2014

python - crawling twitter using urllib instead of twitter api -

I want to crawl data from Twitter I am using Twitter API, but restricted by rate limits, it is very slow Alternatively, I can bypass the Tweeter API by parse the URL directly, eg. Urllib package but I know it all

Can you provide more support on how to follow timeline and Twitter data without using the Twitter API? Do you have any suggestions? thank you in advanced.

PS: I am using Python for programming.

You will have to use beautifuls for this process. Soup from beautiful soup import from beautiful soup urlib import urllib html = urllib.urlopen (YOUR_TWTTER_URL) for soup as soup ('ol' in attrs) soup = soupy (html). = {'Class': 'stream-items'}). FindAll ('li'): Print Tweet. ('P'). Text

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