Friday 15 August 2014 mvc - Nopcommerce nivo slider view not found in production environment -

With my Visual Studio 2012, there is no problem in the binary version of nopcommerce 3.0. But in a production environment, it displays the following error to the home page:

View 'Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo' did not get his master or any Visual Engine does not support searched places. Were searching the following locations: ~ / topic / DefaultClean / visual / WidgetsNivoSlider / NopkPluginkWidgetskNivoSliderkViewskWidgetsNivoSliderkPublicInfokcshtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / visual / WidgetsNivoSlider / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider .Views .WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / view / share / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / view / share / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider .Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / Views / WidgetsVV Slider / Nop.Plugin Widgets. Nawslider View. Widgetsvoiceslider PublicInfoFox ~ / Views / widgetNovoslider / nop.plugin Widgets. Nawslider View. Widgets Navoslider Public Ink. Vbhtml ~ / Views / Shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / Views / Shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / admin / views / WidgetsNivoSlider / Nop. Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / admin / views / wig tsNivoSlider / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / admin / views / shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets .NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / Administration / View / Share / Nop Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. For more information about the error, review the stack trace and where this code is born

Exception Details:. System.InvalidOperationException: Views 'Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo' did not get his master or no visual support locations engine search. Were searching the following locations: ~ / topic / DefaultClean / visual / WidgetsNivoSlider / NopkPluginkWidgetskNivoSliderkViewskWidgetsNivoSliderkPublicInfokcshtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / visual / WidgetsNivoSlider / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider .Views .WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / view / share / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / topic / DefaultClean / view / share / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider .Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / Views / WidgetsVV Slider / Nop.Plugin Widgets. Nawslider View. Widgets newslider PublicInfax ~ / view / widgetNovoslider / nop.plugin Widgets. Nawslider View. Widgets Navoslider Public Ink. Vbhtml ~ / Views / Shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / Views / Shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / admin / views / WidgetsNivoSlider / Nop. Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / admin / views / wig tsNivoSlider / Nop.Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml ~ / admin / views / shared / Nop.Plugin.Widgets .NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.cshtml ~ / Administration / View / Share / Nop Plugin.Widgets.NivoSlider.Views.WidgetsNivoSlider.PublicInfo.vbhtml

Source Error:

Line 3: Line @foreach (model VAR widgets) 4: {Line 5:
@ Html.Action (widget.ActionName, widget.ControllerName, widget.RouteValues) line 6:}

Any suggestions please

I had to face the same problem. Even this post is very old, but I think the answer can help others. Here's the solution to the problem.

An error occurs when we publish the selected project with the precompile option. If you publish this project without the proklaking, then you will not have to face this problem. Because there are some embedded ideas that do not work properly when we enable precompiling at the time of publication.

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