Friday 15 August 2014

makefile - Eclipse + Cygwin + Make: Windows path problems -

I am facing different behavior while walking to Sigwin Shell versus Eclipse for Sigwin C project.

The problem is that route names are being converted to window paths.

My Makefile:

  All: PWD CD .; Pwd   

Running in signin shell (true):

  pwd / cygdrive / c / myproject cd. Running the CDT (the current code, the new Makefile Project from Signin Toolchain):  
  All PWD / SizeDrive / PDAD / Sigrade / C / MyProject   

C / myproject CD .; Pwd C: \ myproject

sees it '.' (Or '..'), the path is "converted" to a window path. Any suggestions?

It is possible that the mixed command cd .; PWD is executed through the shell subprances, so there may be different $ PATH variables set in this shell process. If there is any other $ PATH in your pwd , it will be called a single instead of a cigin, for example, print from gnuwin32 to pwd Style path of windows

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