About 6000 users are using my Django app. I have recently searched for Mailchip and I All users would like to send a message about the website going down for a few days
Instead of copying and pasting every single email (about 6000), I wanted to know if there is a Python script or something that would write all the email addresses of each user in my app in small to .txt Could.
How can I go about doing this?
You can write one to get it. Import from Django.core.management.base Import CommandError from BaseCommand, django.contrib.auth.modelsUser class command (base command): def handle (auto, * argets, option **) : User_emails = User.objects.values_list ('email', flat = true) with Open ('myfile.txt', 'w +') as fh: fh.write ("," .join (list_username))
and in the command line:
./ management.py & lt; Management command_filname & gt;
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