Another MDX question;
As told in this question
I have a value of type string which holds 4 digit numbers. I want to evaluate the first number or character of that string
So I do this:
IIF (([Kostensoort]. [Costan code] & gt; [Cochtenosort]. [Costan Code] 8, 000), [Measures]. [Incom Bedrag] + [Measures] [Bank Bedrag], [Measure]. [Incon Bedrag]] Syntax: IIF (Evalutation, Correct expression, false expression)
What really happens is that in any way I try to write an expression, Slia evaluates wrong. I know this because the price is printed. If I enter a constant number, which is also printed in my cube.
Yes, I know that specifying the values of the Costan code as an integer, even though its string, I tried to use the installer and the left, resulting in no results Happened.
I'm sorry about a loss here, what to do. Welcome to any insights
You need to make sure that you hold the current member of your dimension Your example is probably returning "all"
[kostensoort]. [Kosten code]. Current Message Once you can change which you can use.
IIF ([Costanosart]. [Costan Code]. Current Member)> = 7000 and [Costensource]. [Costen Code] 8000 rupees), [Measures]. [Incap bedrag] + [solution] [bank bedrag], [remedy]. [Inslote bedrag])
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