Saturday 15 August 2015 mvc 4 - What precautions do you need to take when you change the Jquery version in a standard MVC4 project? -

I have started a MVC4 project and written a standard project for VS2012 interface for you. If at this time I want to add a new version of Jquery and Jquery UI, will anything affect? My account, shared layout filters / views / models / controllers are the same as VS. Generates. If I am involved in JS and my project in this phase, are there any problems with your hidden problems, which are related to your experience?

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It's hard to say because we do not know which code you are using.

If you are not using jQuery 1.8 or earlier, you should have some problem. JQuery 1.9 / 2.0 has removed many example tasks such as .live and .die, so if you were not using them .. You should not have any problems. For the jQuery UI, if you are not doing anything about it, then it is likely that you will not have any problems.

You probably do not want to upgrade to jQuery 2.0 because support is removed from IE9 IE9 is for older browsers, but jQuery 1.9 and jQuery 2.0 are similar to functional older browser support. .

I suggest you to make a copy of the project, upgrade, and see if you have any problems. This is the most direct way to know.

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