Does anybody know why I can not overwrite existing endpoint function if I have two such types of URL rules are
app.ad_url_ul ('/', visible_function = man.as_view ('main'), methods = ["GET"]) app. Add_url_rule ('/ & lt; page & gt; /', view_func = main. Traceback: traceback (most recent call final): "" ("main") , Methods = ["GET"]) ", line 20, & lt; modules & gt; methods = [" GET "]) file" ... / python2.6 / Site-packages / flaskâ "???? /", line 62, wrapper_func Returns the file (itself, * args, ** kwargs) in the file "... / python2.6 / site-packages / flaskâ"? ??? AssertionError: function mapping overwriting an existing endpoint function: / The name of your view should be unique, even if they are pointing to the same visual method.
app.add_url_rule ('/', view_func = main .as_view ('main'), methods = ['GET']] ) app. Add_url_rule ('/ & lt; page & gt; /', view_func = main.as_view ('page'), methods = ['GET' ])
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