Tuesday 15 September 2015

ios - Checking and Calling methods on delegate classes without importing the header file -

Currently I'm working on an iOS application in which I am using delegates and I have implemented something like this:

  @protocol Hello & lt; NSObject & gt; @required - (zero) Update: (NSDIP * *) data; @end @Intefus notificationHandler: NSObase {id & lt; Hello & gt; Representative; } - Send (zero) data; @end   

When there is a specific notification, it will call the sendData method and call it update to call Will delegate .

Everything is working fine In the dictionary, I have to pass specific values ​​for some special representatives. That's why I'm importing such headers:

  #import "special1.h" #import "special 2. h" - (zero) Send data {if ([_ Rep isKindOfClass: [Special 1 class]]) {// Special Class 1 NSDrrigation * begin with dict = // parameters and values ​​[(Special 1 *) _ Representative Update: dict]; } And if ([_ Rep, KindOfClass: [Special 2 squares]]) {// Special Class 2 NSDictionary * dict = // start with values ​​and values ​​[(Special 2 *) _ Representative Update: dict]; }}   

The point here is, I have to import all the special classes here. Is any class to do this without importing it?

I found a solution using this type:

  - (Void) sendData {if you want to get started with {if you want to delete the message, click here.} {Select_digit = "special" Object with: dict]; } Else if ([_ Rep isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString (@ "Special2")) {// Special Class 2 Start with NSDictionary * dict = // parameters and values ​​[_delegate performSelector: @selector (Update :) withObject: dict ]; }}    

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