Tuesday 15 September 2015

java - Connecting activities to GestureListener -

I have 10 activities in which I can detect gestures. So I have created a class that implements OnGestureListener . In this category, onTouchEvent () is also expanded for gesture detector . To add all activities in this class, I instantiate this warning audience. The problem I am experiencing is that I can not pass a reference (other classes go to this class) and this is a code here:

  GestureRedder has expanded the gesture detector on-guestlistener {public commentator} {super (conn, it); // error here contxt = con; Gestures = new gesture detector (Conn, it); } @ Override Public Boolean On Touch Event (Motion Event Mi) {Return Gesture Touch Event (I); } .....}   


Perhaps more Clean Solutions For each activity a new gesturedirector / Howbootloader must be prompted.

Be happy with the context of Gesture Data will be Application so that you can do one of your activities on the application

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