Tuesday 15 September 2015

php - Unable to read POST parameters -

I am trying to send some parameters to AMAM using AMAM. I have reduced my application code:

  NSDictionary * params = @ {@ "Team": @ "Washington National"}; [_client postPath: @ "updateTeamAlert" parameter: Parameters success: ^ (AFHTTPRequestOperation * operation, ID responseObject) {NSString * responseStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: responseObject Encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; Anselog (@ "request is successful, the response '% @' response);} Failure: ^ (AFHTTPRequestOperation * operation, NSError * error) {NSLog (@" [httpclient error]:% @ ", error.localizedDescription);} ];   

On the server I am using the following PHP to debug:

  if (isset ($ _post ["Team"] )) {Echo "set the team fine";} and {echo "team is not set";}   

I'm constantly receiving the 'Not Team Set' response.

When I post I am back vardump:

  'array (0) {  


(I think an empty array)?

What am I missing?

I'm not sure, but you may have a problem similar to this:

So its data can be in php: // input instead of $ _POST

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