Wednesday 15 September 2010 mvc - Illegal characters in path. while bundles javascript files -

I am trying to bundle my javascrip files and CSS files into the My MVC project. Throwing an exception while adding it. Illegal characters in the path

 : An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where the code has originated from it. Exception description: System. Archive Exception: Illegal characters in path source error: line 9: public static void RegisterBundles (BundleCollection bundles) Line 10: {Line 11:. Include Bundles.Add (New ScriptBundle ("~ / bundles / jQuery") ("~ / script / jquery- {version} .js", line 12: "~ / js / bootstrap.js", line 13: " ~ / Js / jquery.flexslider-min.js "~ / js / jquery.isotope.js" "~ / js / jquery.fancybox.pack.js? V = 2.1.0" "~ / RS-plugin / js / Jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js "" ~ / RS-plugin / js / jquery.themepunch.revolution. Min.js "" / / js / revolution.custom.js "" / / js / custom.js ")); Stack trace: [ArgumentException :. Illegal characters en] System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars (String path, Boolean checkAdditional) 10,631,190 System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.CheckIllegalCharacters (String [] str) using +30 System.Security.Permissions .FileIOPermission.AddPathList (FileIOPermissionAccess , AccessControlActions control, string [] pathListOrig, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath, Boolean copyPathList) using 97 System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission..ctor (FileIOPermissionAccess, string path) 63 System.Web. InternalSecurityPermissions.PathDiscovery (String path) +29 System.Web.HttpRequest.MapPath (VirtualPath virtualPath, VirtualPath baseVirtualDir, Boolean allowCrossAppMapping) 149 System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath (String path) 104 System.Web.Optimization.BundleTable. & Lt; Get_MapPathMethod & gt; b__0 (string virtualPath) 67 System.Web.Optimization.ItemRegistry.Include (String [] virtualPaths) [644 System.Web.Optimization.Bundle.Include (Strin C] Virtual path) +64 IntensifyTech.IntensifyTechConfig.RegisterBundles (bundled compilation bundles ) c: \ users \ sxxx \ SkyDrive \ Trunk \ IntensifyTech \ IntensifyTech \ App_Start \ IntensifyTechConfig.cs: 11 IntensifyTech.MvcApplication.Application_Start () in C: \ users \ sxxxx \ SkyDrive \ Trunk \ IntensifyTech \ IntensifyTech \ Global.asax. cs: 24 [HttpException (0x80004005): illegal character in the path.] System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.EnsureAppStartCalledForIntegratedMode (HttpContext context, HttpApplication app) + 9 859725 System.Web. HPAPCirmation Registrar Avent Subscriptions IIS (ITPPR App CONTAx, HTTP Contact Reference, Methodindia [] Handler) +118 System Web. HTTP application. Init Special (HTTPPTecution State, MathDinfo [] Handlers, Interpet App Contact, HTTP Contact Reference) +172 System. Web. Hpapitalizationfitter Gate Special Application (IntPtr appContext, HttpContext References) 336 System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication (IntPtr appContext) 296 [HttpException (0x80004005): Invalid character tracer in path.] System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit (HttpContext Reference) + 9873912 System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit (HttpContext Reference) +101 System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate (IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext Reference) +254    

Yes, of course this item:" ~ / js / jquery.fancybox.pack.js? V = 2.1.0 ". This is a virtual path, not a URL, so '?' Characters in this context are invalid.

NSError error code -11819 on iOS when trying to play media using AVPlayer -

When you are trying to run media url using AVPlayer, then I got Epiphalerstats error code -11819 please Give advice.

  - (void) View VariablePath: (NSSTING *) The object of the pipe: (ID) Object changes: (NSDragment *) Convert Reference: (Zero *) Reference {if (References == & Amp ; AVPlayerItemStatusContext) {AVPlayerItem * playerItem = (AVPlayerItem *) object; NSInteger position = [player dead position]; Switch (position) {case AVPlayerStatusFailed: {NSError * error = [playerItem error]; NSLog (@ "% s% d \ n", __FUNCTION__, [error code]); .....}   


I found in AVError.h that the AVFoundation error code -11819 corresponds to AVErrorMediaServicesWereReset ("Media operation unavailable because the operation could not be completed").

osx - Can't print mpdf generated pdf files on mac -

It's really weird. I am using PDF MPdF, I did not have any problem in printing PDFs but this problem suddenly came out. It is not certain that there is something in place for updating my code or updating my operating system or wireless printer printer.

System ------------- Application --- ---- Results
OS X 10.8.2 ----- ---- Preview ---------- Can not Print - OS X 10.8.2 - ---- Acrobat ---------- OS X 10.7.x Can print ---------- Reader ---------- Can not print - Windows XP ----- Reader / Address ---- Can print OS X 10.XX --------- Preview -------- Can not Print

Some Information: We were able to print PDF first. There was no complaint from any OS / person. I was working on some SQL query changes. But I refresh my things is still not working.

Then it says that when someone tries to print using "preview" - according to my MacBook pro, it is (printing - connected to print and stays like this) - this Others show something like being on the Mac ... but nothing happens. FYI has not confirmed any such as .... The printing is complete .... It is like printing and printing.

An application was PDF Repere. And with this application I can print my PDF after repair but the problem is not its freeware and the quality is not good

Perhaps this is a broken / damaged material problem.

Target: The target "PDF files" is printed with "Preview"

Any kind of help or suggestion is highly appreciated.

screenshot of my pdf

Finally resolved. MPdf had something like that with CMAP processing stuff but it happens only with the old version of MPDF, in my case it was MPDF 5.0 beta.

The latest version of the MPDF will solve this problem Now I can print my export PDF from any OS and any application. Cheers

c - calculating the no of steps in insertion sort -

Here are two versions of the inclusion sort, which I apply to one with the pseudo code and straight one. I want to know which version takes more steps and space (in some places too complicated)

  zero entry_art (int a [], int n) {int key, i, j ; For (i = 1; i & lt; n; i ++) {key = a [i]; J = i - 1; While (j> = 0 & a [J]> key) {a [j + 1] = a [j]; J--; } A [J + 1] = key; }}   

and this is a

  entry_source (item S [], int n) {int i, j; (I = 1; i & lt; n; i ++) for {J = I; While ((j> 0) & amp; amp; amp; (s [j]   

Here the sample classification array is a = {5, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3}. In my opinion, the second version takes more steps because it swaps the number one by one, while the first loop swaps more numbers in the loop and then swaps the smallest number. For example: to index = 3, both versions take the same steps, but when the index = 4 arrives, to take the number 1 swap, takes more than 1 phase in 2. What do you think?

"Number of numbers" is nothing useful.

Is one step one line? a statement? an expression? An assembler directive? A CPU micro-op?

That is, your "steps" are converted into assembler and then optimized, and the resultant instructions can be different (and potentially variable) runtime costs.

Wise questions you can ask:

1 algorithmic complexity is it?

As noted in response to the comments and arpit of rifle kettler, it aligns algorithm scales as to how the input size

2 how to do

If you want to know which is faster (for some set of input), you should measure it.

If you want to know what more swap does, then why not just type a swap function every time it is called , And detects, then enhances a global counter?

oracle11g - Oracle shared memory realm does not exist -

I'm running Oracle 11 on a Windows 7 machine. This morning I have this strange problem when I try to connect to the database, then it says 'Shared memory area is not present' However, when I use the Database Configuration Assistant, select a database and click the Next Do this, retrieving 'database information'. During that time, when I connect to the database, after 'getting information of database' once in the 'Oracle shutdown in progress' message (and I do not exceed that step in database configuration assistant) I'm able to connect to the database without issue.

I used to compare environmental variables and windows before and after the services and all of it were the same.

The question is, what does 'retrieve database information' in the Database Configuration Assistant, determines that 'shared memory area is not present' problem?

Any suggestion will be useful

PS I have examined other questions related to this topic in StaxHowFlow and found nothing useful or I did not understand it properly. Please do not close this question as a duplicate.

thanks guys

I solved the issue below.

1) Select & gt; Program & gt; Oracle - HOME_NAME & gt; Configuration and Migration Tool & gt;

2) Select the Startup / Shutdown option. 4) Select the Oracle instance tab.

Select starting example when the service is started, the service is stopped, or the two are closed.

I restarted the machine and it worked.

iphone - iOS - Best way to select an area of an image -

I'm looking for the best way to select an image area. Actually I want to load some jpgs, and let the user scale or move it, and get the coordinates on the image of a predecessor in the center of the picture. What is the best way to do that ? Does anyone know a library? Thank you in advance

The best way is to use the UIImagePickerController class.

You can navigate in this way:

  - (zero) Choose Photoform Library {UIImagePickerController * cameraUI = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; CameraUI.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; // Shows controls for moving & amp; Scaling photos // To hide the control instead, use NO. CameraUI.allowsEditing = Yes; CameraUI.delegate = self; [Self-present ViewController: cameraUI animated: yes complete: zero]; }   

and then get the edited image like this:

  - (zero) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController *) Picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) information {UIImage * Basic = Info [@ "UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage"]; // whatever you want with the image, [self-sharpening visual controller; unlimited: yes complete: zero]; }    

javascript - HTML Select Tag and changing values in the drop box -

I have a select box, I want to drop down the text to show one thing and when it is selected in the box If it goes, then this one else does not show my value tag either I would appreciate all the help. For example:

For example:

Select the selection box when it is not left below, should say and value is selected:

T2 <

T1: (includes T1A, T1B, and T1C): Tumor 2 cm (3 inches) 4 inches) or less.

T2: The tumor is more than 2 cm but not more than 5 centimeters (2 inches).

T3: The tumor is more than 5 cm.

Option labels are not fully supported (even if they think they are :))

To trick and work it , Add a first blank & lt; Options & gt;
We will use jQuery

  • Hold the selected option value,
  • copy that value to text and empty & lt; Options & gt; Tags

    Value for jQuery

      $ .fn SelectLabelize = function () {var v = $ (': selected', this) .val (); $ ('Option', this) .eq (0) .text (v) .val (v) .prop ('selected', true); }; $ ('Select'). Each (function () {$ (this) .selectLabelize ();}); $ ('Choose'). ('Change', function () {$ (this) .selectLabelize ();});   

    In view of such a HTML :

      & lt; Select & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Optgroup label = "T1" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "T1a" selected & gt; A - Tumor is 2 centimeters (3/4 inches) or less. & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "t 1b" & gt; B - Tumors are 2 cm (3/4 inches) or less. & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "t 1c" & gt; C - Tumors are less than 2 cm (3/4 inches) or less. & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Optgroup & gt; & Lt; Optgroup label = "T2" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "T2" & gt; The tumor is more than 2 cm but not more than 5 cm (2 inches). & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Optgroup & gt; & Lt; Optgroup label = "T3" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "T3" & gt; The tumor is more than 5 cm & Lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Optgroup & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Pure JS must be used:  

       code> select function label ( ) {Var v = this.value; this. Options [0]. WinnerHTML = v; this. Option [0] .value = v; this. Options [0]. Selected = true; } Var sel = document.getElementsByTagName ('Select'); Var ev = document.createEvent ('Event'); Ev.initEvent ('change', true, false); (Var i = 0; i & lt; sel.length; i ++) {cell [i] .addEventListener ('change', select label); Sel [i] .dispatchEvent (EV); }    

wordpress - CSS class for specific list item -

I want to add a CSS class to a specific NAV menu item (s) if the latest post of a certain custom post type is a

This is what I have found so far. It works fine but the CSS class is added to all menu items, how can I target specific li from the ID?

  function blog_menu_item_new_posts ($ squares, $ item) {global $ wpdb; $ Latest_post = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_var ("SELECT post_date FROM $ wpdb- & gt; Posts WHERE post_type = 'blogposts' and post_status =' Publish id id DESC limit 0,1"); $ Latest_post_date = strtotime ($ latest_post); $ Threshold = Strottom ("- 1 week"); If ($ latest_post_date> = $ threshold) {array_push ($ class, "new-post"); } Return $ class; } Add_filter ("nav_menu_css_class", "blog_menu_item_new_posts", 10, 2); This code is working to target only a specific menu item from the item (in this) (<)    

case ID 101): function blog_menu_item_new_posts ($ classes, $ items) {global $ wpdb; $ Latest_post = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_var ("SELECT post_date FROM $ wpdb- & gt; Posts WHERE post_type = 'blogposts' and post_status =' Publish id id DESC limit 0,1"); $ Latest_post_date = strtotime ($ latest_post); $ Threshold = Strottom ("- 1 week"); If ($ latest_post_date> = $ threshold) & amp; amp; ($ item-> ID == 101) {array_push ($ classes, "new-post"); } Return $ class; } Add_filter ("nav_menu_css_class", "blog_menu_item_new_posts", 10, 2);

maven 3: Accessing version of "root" corporate POM -

Using Maven 3.0.4.

I have been assigned the task of providing corporate parent POM for our organization. My team will provide support for the development of questions or issues while using this POM. Often they will attach a build log to a support ticket. Therefore, I want my Corporate POM to co-ordinate Corporate Guardian's version with any build console. I am using the Enter plugin for this.

  & lt; GroupId> Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / GroupId> & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-antrun-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Echo construction environment & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Valid & lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; Run & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; & Lt; Echo level = "info" message = "maven $ {maven.version}" function name = "version" /> & Lt; Echo level = "info" message = "corporate POMs $ {}" taskname = "version" /> .... & lt; / Target & gt;   

I do not know how many "levels" of POM heritage can come between the corporate parent and the POM used in the build.

  Corporate-originated team-basic application-parent child-module   

or as simple as: <<> Code $ $ {project.version} can not be resized / as the version of present (hair) project I can not use $ {project.parent.version} because I do not know how many legends I could have used hard code for corporate POM version of & lt; Corporate.pom.version & gt; Tried to define the asset, however, when I release my company POM, the release plugin does not know to update that property (which is understandable, it is not a dependency version, There is only one property, the release version can not know to update it).

Ideally, I want to be able to directly get a specific pom version directly, like a property, $ {some.groupId.corporate-parent.version} some. Is there anything like that?

If not, is a POM property being released with a releaseVersion during a release to release the project?

I can return the brute force on the way to manually edit the property before every release. My teammates did not appreciate this approach.

I hope that I do not have to write a custom plugin to do something that does not seem difficult at first glance.

I stopped using maven-antrun-plugin and its Switched instead I can get the necessary information with a simple POM hierarchy transcellal

  & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.codehaus.gmaven & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Groovy-Maven-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.0 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Echo construction environment & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Valid & lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; But execution & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Source & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [Def root pim = project; Whereas (rootPom.parent! = Null) {rootPom = rootPom.parent; } ('root.pom.version', rootPom.version); ("Maven Home:" + ['maven.home']); ("Java Home:" + ['java.home']); ("User Created:" + ['']); ("Corp POM Version:" + Rootpam Edition); ]] & Gt; & Lt; / Source & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; / Hanging & gt; & Lt; / Plugin & gt; has stored the property calculated so that it can be accessed by the child's POMs.

The resulting log looks:

  [INFO] Maven home: c: \ dev \ maven \ apache-maven-3.0.4 [INFO] Java home: c: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_13 \ jre [INFO] User-Created: user944849 [INFO] Corp POM Version: 0.26-SANAPSHOT    

sql server - binding muliple data from sql to label by choosing item in combobox -

How do I get multiple data from SQL if I select an item in the combo box which is from SQL This is my code :

  private sub Simsiosisacleted Indiks (changing systems as the sender. object, by Val a's system. Aventargs) is Simbo course handles. CMBO course if selected index. Text = "advanced computer technology" in call () Alseef CMBO course. Text = "AUTOELECTRICITY" Then callme () elseif cmboCourse.Text = "automotive" Then callme () End If End Sub Private Sub callme () string as Dim str = ( "Data Source = PC1; User ID = sa ; password = pwd; Databasfriend ") dim con new SqlConnection (STR) as dim Strl choose from" tbl_course as = as the string * course "" new SqlDataAdapter (str1, con) DataSet1 dim new dataset () da LBL   

and this is my table

  CourseGord course ATAC Advanced Mputer (Department Course) Technikan AE AutoElectricity AM Automotive   

It binds only one data, I bind the course_code label of automotive to any specific column example and automotive into a course combo box Choose want to force some data, I add the same label Korskod how to choose AUTOELECTRICITY Autioielarsititi

this test is not Has been done, tell me whether this' does not work.

  private sub cmboCourse_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal as the System.Object, ByVal e System.EventArgs) as handle cmboCourse.SelectedIndexChanged callme (cmboCourse.Text) End Sub Private Sub callme (ByVal course String as defined) Dim String String = ("Data Source = PC1; User ID = Sa; Password = pwd; Databasfriend") Select the thief named New SqlConnection (STR) as the str1 string as "Select" * Dbl from the Tbl_course [Course] = '& & amp; curriculum & amp; # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; as dormant new SqlDataAdapter (str1, thief) DataSet1 slow New datasets () da.Fill (DataSet1, "tbl_course") 'lbl.DataBindings.Add ( "text", DataSet1, "course.Course_Code") so dataset1.Tables ( "tbl_course"). Rows.Count & (0) ("Coursecod") Els MSBBC "Course [" & amp; Course and "] Not Found" End if End   / Pre> 

Please enter the code D. Fill (Dataset 1, "Course") You specify the table as 'Course', while the selection statement selects from the 'tbl_course' table, I'm assuming the name is later correct.

Edit 1:

Bug Fix

Edit 2:


java - Is there a one-liner for dealing with singular/plural words in common languages? -

I often see that websites work like 1 idea, 1 day balance or 1 answer. It's just lazy to me because it's easy to set up often:

  if (view == 1) print view + "view" and print idea + "idea"   

I want to know if Java, Python, PHP, etc. have a liner in the same language, then there is something I can comment on those who do this and say, its easy Is it possible to add it to your code?

While using it on my site, it seems that many C-based programming languages Ternary supports operators. It's as easy as PHP:

  & lt ;? = $ View 'Roy' ($ View == 1? '': 'S'); ? & Gt;    

php - Running gearman on a Heroku Worker -

I have a PHP app running on the ookok (cedar stack). I am at that point where I have to start leaving the job of workers.

I have seen both RabbitMQ and Gearman It seems that the best solution for my app is to use the gearman

So I'm guessing the Gereman server main The webapp will run on the witch and then Gearman Verpairp will work on different Heroku workers, as well as the php code that should work.

How can I go about doing this with Heroku?


Queued is best done with an addon on your question The comment ( should give you some insights by Fixer so that you can get information about how to implement your workers.

javascript - window.location.hash not creating browser history entry -

मैं एक सरल चल रहा हूं:

  window.location.hash = "hash";   

पृष्ठ लोड होने के बाद यूआरएल में एक हैश जोड़ने के लिए मुझे मिल, जब मैं बैक बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो मुझे उम्मीद है कि यूआरएल अपने सिक्योरिटी / ए पेज पर वापस लौटाए बिना किसी वास्तविक लोडिंग / वापस जा रहे हैं। इसके बजाय मुझे पृष्ठ से पहले इतिहास प्रविष्टि पर वापस ले जाया जा रहा है।

यह ठीक काम करता है, जब मैं खिड़की कॉल करता हूं। Location.hash उदा।

मैंने एक परीक्षण बनाया है: कोड देखें:

सेटटिमेंउट फ़ंक्शन के अंदर केवल अंतिम हैश जोड़ा जाता है जैसे मुझे उम्मीद है। किसी भी विचारों को बिना सेट-टाइमआउट के काम करने का तरीका?

कोई भी विचार बिना इसे कैसे काम करें Setteimeout?

एक गतिशील रूप से बनाया गया और href के #yourHash जिसके साथ आप एक माउस क्लिक करें।

  window.onload = function () {location.hash = 'foo'; // कोई इतिहास आइटम नहीं बनाया गया, बस दृश्यता में मदद करने के लिए a = document.createElement ('a'), ev = document.createEvent ("MouseEvents"); A.href = '#bar'; // यह इतिहास आइटम ev.initMouseEvent ("क्लिक करें", सही, गलत, स्वयं, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, झूठी, झूठी, झूठी, झूठी, 0, शून्य) बना देगा; a.dispatchEvent (EV); // प्रेषण क्लिक करें};   

कोड का डेमो Google Chrome 25 में परीक्षण किया गया।

java - What exactly is a Link(Symbolic or otherwise) -

I was working on the Java project with NIO.2 and I had to face the Files.createLink method. While doing some research on the Java tutorial, I found out that these windows look like shortcuts, but I'm not sure if they are the same. If they are not, how can I create a platform independently to create shortcuts?

Creating a symbolic link

If your file system supports it , you can create a symbolic link using createSymbolicLink (Path, Path, File Entry) method. The second path represents the logic file or directory and may or may not exist. The following code snippet creates a symbolic link with the default permissions:


android - speakToUser not defined in eclipse -

Can anyone tell me why speakToUser is undetermined in eclipse I did not get much help online I expanded a class abcAccService AccessibilityService , Taking the code from the developer site, I wanted to use the speakToUser function. But I get an undefined function in eclipse, what could be the reason for this.


I believe this is you mention this Are:

  // Nifty with this text, as the string made on the user // speak back. SpeakToUser (eventText); ...   

This is not a real way, they do not explain it clearly, but it is just a theoretical method that you need to write yourself.

To create a speakToUser () method you will need to use the class, you can follow one for your help. There is also a sample project included with SDK, which has to go to Eclipse:

  • New -> Other ...
  • Then Android & gt; Android Sample Project
  • Finally select TtsEngine .

ruby on rails - passing extra values into a partial and to a create action through a form -

In my train app, I have an idea / question / show.html.erb page, which expects additional @ questions Variable also reaches an @tars variable to show all the answers of any specific navy.

Inside a loop that displays all the answers to a specific question, I want to display an area to comment for a user (not a question on the answer), so I have a The comment partially made, after the advice of the other SO, I have created a hash for the local people in which the variables have been passed. In the actions of the Controller of Comments, I want to use the answer (a comment is an answer) and the question (which is, to me: Answer), so I answer the question ID in partial and such as

 < Code> & lt;% answer @ tower% & gt; .... (code omit) & lt;% = render: partial = & gt; 'Comment / Form' ,: Local = & gt; {: Answer_id = & gt; ,: Question_id = & gt; @}%> ... (code omitted) & lt;% end% & gt;   

And I write partial like answer_id and hidden fields in comments by question_id then

 ; pass = lt;% = simple_form_for @comment | F | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.input: Content, like: text, label: 'comment'% & gt; & Lt;% = f.hidden_field: user_id ,: value = & gt; & gt; & Lt;% = f.hidden_field: answer_id ,: value = & gt; Answer_id%> & Lt;% = f.hidden_field: question_id ,: value = & gt; Question_ID% & gt; & Lt;% = f.button: Submit% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt;   

In the actions of the comments controller, I def @question = Question.find (make this parameter

  [: comment] [: question_id] ) @answer = answer.find (parameter [: comment] [: answer_id]) @comment = @ (parameter [: comment]) If @ flash [: notice] = "comment made successfully" Redirect_to root_path # redirect_to question_answers_path (@question) (Finally want to redirect to the question) and render: action = & gt; First problem, I think I have done something strange to remove the following question id (and answer id)    

pre> @question = Question.find However, these parameters are available as a result of submitting my form


Parameters: {"UTF8" => "One ????" "Authenticity_token" = & gt; "VtogfCsI137lbk2l64RXtrfRn / + RT1 / jM8pfDVY29gM =", "Comment" = & gt; {"Content" = & gt; "test", "user_id" = "12", "answer_id" => "25", "question_id" = "gtc:" 22 "}," committed "= >

Then I will have to type this question code such as params [: comment] [: question_id] < P> Second, more challenging problem (challenging for me) is that the rail is telling me

  can not give large-scale protected features: question_id   

I have no reason to store Question_id comment is on the model, etc. So I did not create a column in the database for this. However, when I do this

  @comment = @ (params [: comment])   

Because one of question_id is Inside parameter: The comment (which is making a hidden field by me), is trying to save it in the Rail Comments table. However, there is only one reason that I really want to use this question in making the action of comment_controller.rb that after saving it it is necessary to use it to redirect the question.

Can you suggest what I can do to fix this problem? I feel that I do not have much experience with the train, I am doing all this in a very strange way, which is probably not working on it. I think this problem is to add a question_add column to the easy-to-use comment model, but there is no 'association' between them, so I think this is a wrong solution.

Your first problem is not a problem There are not too many ways to do this.

The second problem, you have to do this

@comment = @ (params [: comment] [: content]. Merge (user_id: params [ : Comment] [: user_id], answer_id: params [: comment] [: answer_id]) otherwise you will try to specify the properties that you do not have

or else you Other ways can

  parameters [: comment] .delete ('question_id')   

and then

  @comment = @ (Params [: Comment])    

r - Can knit2pdf use the global environment? -


, @Yehui said that knit uses a global environment, it confused me - My experience was that it is not. I do not really use the knit , however, I usually go straight to PDF.

In a little experiment it seems that the knit uses a global environment (or envir But that does not knit2pdf .

The minimum example: global_test.Rnw file

Thank you in advance for your patience as soon as I started typing it, I noticed that to browse similar topics SE has added the feature in this subject line. After finishing my resources, I am going to continue this post.

I have two machines on a local network.
Product Box - Ubuntu, Apache, Mono, ASP.Net, C # Date :) Development Box - Expiry with XMaria

My production box hosts my port at 80 IP port at Wan IP, So my mobile device (production test) or my

my connection string definitely follows: server = $ servername $; Port = 3306; Database = $ databasename $; Uid = $ user name $; Password = $ password $;

I have used all four server value combinations ([SERVERNAME], localhost,, real network IP for remote Dev and Test).

I know the bind: in my CNF.

Every time I go to my site on my site, server 500 error "unable to connect to specified MySQL hosts" is a product test (by typing in my WAN IP in a browser by visiting the site ,

netstat says that I am listening on port 3306.

I tried to remove port 3306. Connection string.

I have a password / pwd user ID / UID / U of different combinations of user Tried to use.

All failures please help!

Code> is bound to your My.cnf file means that you can only connect to the database from the local database computer Local loopback address, only allow local host connections if you are not hosted on the same server on the website, this is the reason why you can not connect.

C another server you want to connect to your database, then bind LAN IP address of the database server my.cnf file.

You can then enter the LAN IP address of the database server in the connection string and you should be able to connect

Your error is actually a network connection error, you have yet to authenticate Not being able to try different usernames and passwords, so once you solve network problems, you get a different error if authentication fails (For example, using the user @ host password failed)

apache camel - Distributed Transactions Java JMS -

I was thinking that I could get some design how I am facing the design problem. For sake, suppose that I have 3 points running on the Tomcat in three different machines / jvms i end points are the following responsibilities:

End point 1 - takes data into demand and this data Order changes in orders

End point 2 - Take in sequential requests Confirms, orders saves, and one

endpoint 3 - in any order, the seller takes the format specific XML, and sends it to a queue.

EDIT: This endpoint is the option of using ATMs for a JTA Transaction Manager by the other REST as existing services, and we are using active MQs.

With that being said, I have a queue setup that receives the demand data message. For each received demand data message, I essentially want them to funnel through each of the three end points in a unit of work through the XA. I have complete control over every 3 final points, so I have some flexibility in using the communication protocol. Apart from this, eventually 500 million to 10 lakh messages of these will be coming on daily basis. What communications protocol will you use to tie these end points together in a distributed transaction?

I have some experience with camel, but I have come to know about how to tie together one unit of work. Will RMI be better than JMS because it seems synchronous in nature? Thanks for the time before any help.

From Fuses:

Distributed Transactions A distributed transaction is related to a transaction in a distributed system, where the scope of transactions spreads multiple network nodes. A basic prerequisite for supporting distributed transactions is a network protocol that supports transmitting transaction references in a pilot format (see also, distributed transaction managers). Distributed transaction Apache camel is out of the scope of the transaction.

Distributed transaction managers Usually, a server directly connects to the resources involved in a transaction, in a distributed system, however, it is sometimes necessary to connect those resources That only indirectly comes through a web service or via the Corba IDL interface. In this case, you need a TP monitor which is capable of supporting distributed transactions. There are several standards that describe how to support transactions for different distributed protocols, for example, WS-Atomic Transaction Specification for Web Services and Corbab Object Transaction Service (OTS) specification for Korba applications.

So no wonder you are getting stomped. Apache camel does not include your use case.

I think you can go in two ways:

  1. Big distributed transactions
  2. Small transactions synchronized with indemnity tasks

    JETA in tomato JTA is a global transaction manager. You probably need both of these solutions (although with some clever negligible you can manage it without having to go for the option number two.) Tomcat can not run JTA transactions, but with the help of a transaction it can do. See . Adding a spring will be easy to configure. Not all JMS implementations support JTA / XA resources. You have to see what happens to you.

    Distributed transactions Your transaction length is not very long, but you will continue the locked resources for a while, and you have many transactions, the performance will be hurt .

    Built on JTA JTS and OTS, a JETA server should be able to coordinate the transaction with other JTA servers through OTS. It is not trivial to install, to begin, you have to find out its implementation which supports it. And then you have to know how to raise it and run it.

    At high level you have WS-transactions and WS-sync. See.

    Indemnative actions suggest that it may be better to use a set of synchronized small transactions that are not rolled back, but for which the indemnity Can be taken to clean the mess which occurs when the steps fail.

    Sending a notification from time to time will be such an action.

    If you can go this way anyway, then I will take it. If you can know that order requests can not be completed, you can cancel the order request given in the endpen.

warnings - How to ignore specific unused wires in Verilog? -

There are some strings and ports in my design that are deliberately unused, but what I want to keep.
How do I tell my Xilinx Verilog Synthesizer to avoid giving "unused" warnings about those specific stars?

Apparently VHDL has a open keyword for it, but I do not know what its equivalent is in Verilog.

Connect them to dummy strings and (* keep = "soft" *) for those stars (names do not matter in the name).

  (* Keep = "soft" *) Wire [7: 0] unconnected_received_data; Uart_receive uart_receive (.STST), CLK (CLK), RXD (UTHRXD), DATA (unrelated). RXDIADI (RxD_RDD);   

This example will not generate any warning. (* Keep = "soft" *) on


As a result, net synthesis is preserved during , But to implement it all the freedom is given to the implementation tool. Conceptually, you are specifying a KEEP = TRUE for synthesis only, but a KEEP = FALSE for the implementation tool.

.bash profile - Bash repeating first line -

I've just edited my.bash_profile to add git branch display. I was based on the version that I found online, but now when I write something in the shell, at the end of the line, it overwrites the first line, then it wraps in the new line.

  function promail {case $ TERM * in xterm} TITLEBAR = '\ [\ 033] 0; \ U @ \ h: \ w \ 007 \] ';; *) TITLEBAR = "" ;; ASAC PS1 = "$ {TITLEBAR} \ \ w $ WHITE \ $ (parse_git_branch) \\ E [M $]"   

And this is the parse_git_branch function

 < Code> Function parse_git_branch {git branch - no color 2 & gt; / Dev / null | Sed -e '/ ^ [^ *] / d' -e 's / * \ (. * *) / [\ 1] /'}   

Since I do not know Bash_profile More about that I do not know where is the mistake?

Is this a problem? proml function & gt ;?

  Function Prom {a missing brace at end of case $ TERM * in xterm) TITLEBAR = '\ [\ 033] 0; \ U @ \ H: \ w \ 007 \] ';; *) TITLEBAR = "" ;; ASAC PS1 = "$ {TITLEBAR} \ \ w $ WHITE \ $ \ (parse_git_branch) \\ E [M $"}    

matlab - Var of added gaussian noise -

I basically have this:

  I = im2double (imread ('lena .png ')); Add Gaussian Voice J = Emois (I, 'Gaussian', 0,0.05);   

Now both of the undegraded images have i and noised image j how can I guess that variation used for Gaussian noise < Code> 0.05

You can get noise wave through subtraction. You can get sample variation with var () .

Of course, sample variation is only an estimate for actual variance.

elasticsearch - Can you refer to and filter on a script field in a query expression, after defining it? -

I'm new to elastic search and was wondering, once you define the script field with the menu syntax, Can you filter later, or see it in the query body as if it is another field?

I can not find any examples of this, while I have no mention of whether this is possible on the docs or not

Itemprop = "text">

This is a simple reason Not possible for: Script_fields are calculated during the last step of search (Fetch Step) and only to get your records (by default the Top 10). The script filter applies to all records that were not filtered by the previous filter and it occurs during the query stage, which occurs before the fetch phase. In other words, when the filters are applied, script_fields are not yet present.

javascript - JqueryMobile 1.3 ICONS not appearing? -

I am creating a mobile application for Android on the codio online IDE, and im using jquery mobile. I 'S JS & amp; .css, however, everything works except JQM icons. None of the JQM symbols are visible , while white sign should be displayed in the dark circle.

How do the JQ icons appear? See black circles, there should be white icons!

< Strong> Edit: Answer: Search, download and deploy on the correct location (Javascript, CSS and images).

, you are missing icon files, they are referenced in CSS in your case, Which is missing

javascript - Using three.js, how would I do to draw freehand on a cube? -

I am trying for most people today that they basically find a way to represent a graffitti wall, and The indicator in any direction that direction was my first impression that I needed some kind of custom texture, but I really can not understand it; If the IDK is such that I am burnt, or what is, but I have it three. Js can not think of a way to do it in terms of

Do any of you have a better fortune, or someone knows how I can do something like this?

For more details, "In this way" I basically want to use a bitmap brush above the contents in a solid composition.

I know that it is a bit old, but I was recently walking with it, and I think I found a way to do this.

Canvas, then make the texture using that canvas, then use any code, it should work very well with plain surfaces, but with fields or non-regular shapes Too complicated.

Something like this should be:

  var canvas = document.createElement ('canvas'); Var ctx = canvas.getContext ('2d'); / * Reference options here * / var Texture = New three. Mix (canvas); Texture.needsUpdate = true; Var graffWall = new.MeshBasicMaterial ({map: texture1}); Mesh.material = content; // or: var mesh = new three. Mesh (geometry, content); // And here comes the magic ... more or less var wall = document.getElementById ('canvas'); Var ctx = ('2d'); Var ctx = el.getContext ('2d'); Var Heading; Wall.onmousedown = function (e) {isDrawing = true; Ctx.lineWidth = 10; Ctx.lineJoin = ctx.lineCap = 'round'; Ctx.moveTo (e.clientX, e.clientY); }; Wall.onmousemove = function (e) {if (isDrawing) {ctx.lineTo (e.clientX, e.clientY); Ctx.stroke (); }}; Wall.onmouseup = function () {isDrawing = false; }     

Not sure that this will work, but this is an attitude.

jquery ui spinner after ajax call -

I'm trying to use jquery ui spinner on dynamically inserted forms via AJAX call Ajax call I'm trusting to handle.

On the success, I call this function like this:

  response: task () {var Ajaxie = $ .Ajaxy; Var data =; Var state = this.state; Var state = this.State; Var Action = This; Action.documentReady ($ content); Updater (); // The work of binding new element comes back true; },   

is the function

  function adapter () {$ ('. Spin'). Spinner (); }   

And it works without problems. But then when I call the same function on "normal" jquery requests (not AJAX ones), it does not work anymore:

  $ Ajax ({type: "GET", url: Url, cache: false, data type: "json", success: function (res) {updateTarget (res, target, animation); updater ();}}});   

I do not know why this is working in one case, while in the other it is not ...

I understand that ... my error was that I was running updater () after updateTarget (res, target) , Animation); , which is the function that analyzes the JSR reaction and attaches the HTML element to the page, while I updater () inside updateTarget (res, target, animation); After the attachment of the page, .html () .

facebook - FQL get feeds from multiple users -

I need to retrieve the wall posts of multiple Facebook users. I have yet, I just retrieve data from a user I manage to do it, but I need to get it from 60 user APOX. I have a FQ query in Objective-C, I think that query syntax is the same in every language:

  [fql.parameters setObject: @ "SELECT message, from the stream, from source_id (SELECT ID From profile to user name = 'zara') "for: @" q "];   

Please help me! Thanks in advance.

You can do this by looking for updates in an array of user names:
  Select message, which is in the WHERE source_id from the stream (SELECT id from the profile where the user name IN ('zara', 'zuck', 'theuncrunched', 'thepaulcarr')) ​​   

ruby on rails 3 - ActiveMerchant with CIM - How to Update Customer Payment Profile -

I am currently using ActiveMerchant to integrate with CIM. It's mostly working fine. However, I'm having problems updating customer's payment profile information (like this -)

Actually, when sending an API request to ActiveMerchant for, give me a credit To create a card, instead of providing only one hash, model for credit card payment details but to update a customer's payment profile, I do not have the actual value for that card , "XXXX1111 only the card number like" mask wire or expiration date "XXXX".

I do not make a valid credit card model with those values, even then what I have to do is return the masked values ​​to I can not find any documents on how to do this. Does anyone else have to face this problem?

You only need to create an invalid credit card object using the masked card number. The object of the credit card will be to know that no year or month exists and use 'XXXX' for the complete end date. The object of the credit card will be invalid but it will create a valid update request.

This is the only way I can understand how this issue can be solved because the update_customer_payment_profile method wants to be able to call the 'number' method on the object, so it's a credit card or any other The object expects the 'number' there.

image - convert jpgs and mp3 to flv using java -

I am now trying to convert some jpg files and mp3 into an FLV file.

The ffmpeg command can do this.

  ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i music.mp3 -shottest-c: v-libx264-crf 20 -tune stillimage -c: a copy output.mkv   

but I have to use this function in my Java project):

Are there any Java Openers projects?

thanks :)

I'm not sure that this would be relevant to you, but I think it would be useful:

Answer with a more accurate highest score:

Which is exactly 4 years old. After the second link in the forum thread, it gives some suggestions such as

  runtime RT = runtime.greatantum (); Process proc = rt.exec ("ffmpeg");   

You can work for your case, of course, you want to pass options separately ...

sql - Time Data Type - MySQL -

let me know date & amp; At the time of recording, (time of production)

I tried to use this statement but every time I get an error message:

  'OrderDate 'Date default (gaterate ()), zero,   

When I tried to edit it visually, PHPMYSQL was showing a message that the field data type was successfully changed, But it was not.

Bottom line; To set the value of the field as the time of setting, I should know the correct data type / function


To get an area that automatically sets the date Make records while doing:

  Order date timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;   

Before MySQL 5.6, if you are required to start a DATETIME field type, you can set your OrderDate Can define P>

  order date datetime default 0 zero;   

and use TRIGGER to assign a date:

  DROP trigger if present, then ambient_nertte; DELIMITER Turn on trigger - first IFNULL (NEW.OrderDate, 0) & lt; = 0 then setNEW.OrderDate = Now (); end if; End; // DELIMITER;   

With MySQL 5.6, the DATETIME field can start automatically because TIMESTAMP s is now done.

language agnostic - Can the Composite (from the Composite Pattern) have an isLeaf() method? -

Is there a reason composite should not contain isLeaf () Method?

(Since the point of this method (if I'm not mistaken) to be able to use address and composite the same thing In the form, without the difference?)

Or is it absolutely right if I can still use both of them as if they are the same thing, but also know Is that what if I want to?

One of the debate questions about the mixed class if you are using an interface , You can get it into the shared interface, and then in the leaf class, an unsupported operation can throw exceptions.

You can also use visitors to handle different nodes types, so the classic filesystem where the folder / file composite is the root of it, you can make a visitor to a different variety (Or handle only specific types)

Do you have the plan that you will use it? There may be a better way to understand the value of the specific case method.

php - How to start a new website project in codeigniter -

I'm actually working on CI from the last 2 weeks for the codeigniter . During this period, I created several views.php files, some controllers.fp files and some .php files

Now I want to start a new website project.

What should I do to remove all files of my controllers, scenes and models from e.t.c. And download another codeigniter and start with begnning?

Here's how to do several sites on a CI example of Phil Sturgeon, let's do it here Explains ways and describes professionals and opposition.

But what was said about modular separation in his latest article?

performance - how does one identify why a website is slow? -

I was asked this question once in an interview:

"Suppose you One website where the server is at some remote location One day, some users are calling you at the call / email saying that the site is abominable, why would you identify the site slow? Besides, when you own a website Also checks the browser as a user), the site behaves properly. "

I L can think of one thing I (which went shot down):

  • Server Czech log analysis of incoming traffic is probably a DoS attack or exceptionally high traffic. The interviewer told me that the server does not have normal traffic and no DoS.

    I was lost in a way because I never thought of this problem. I have almost no idea how a server / website is working, so if someone can highlight some of the methods then it would be good.

    While googling around, I can find that this article is very technical to me now, but I'm breaking it slowly and understanding it.

    Since you already said that when you check the site the speed is fine, its meaning There is nothing wrong in the server (for at least the pages you have checked) and it can serve the pages at a good pace, at this point you should know that you and your site report The user who is slow is slow, what is the difference. This can be several different things:

    • Is the user using a slow network connection (for example mobile)?
    • Is the user hosted by other websites in the same webhostster? If so, it can indicate a network problem. Usually it can also indicate a processing problem on the webserver, but in that case the site will be slow for you too.
    • If no one answers in the above answer, you can assume that the server and the server themselves are OK. This means that there should be a problem with the user device. Find out which browser / OS uses and try to repeat the problem. If it uses any antivirus or software that can cause problems then it fails to detect it.

python - openerp 7 one2many and many2one -

कृपया 205 - 280

और मेरी

उस ड्रॉप डाउन से गलत डेटा & amp;

@@ पाठलनाथथांग:

तुम्हारा मतलब नीचे लाइन (लाइन 283) से हटाना है?

  & lt; field name = 'selected_tea_workers_line_ids 'नोलैबेल =' 1 '& gt;    

आप बच्चे में क्यों जोड़ रहे हैं (tea_worker_line_id 'bpl.offer') (selected_tea_workers_line_ids 'Bpl.selected.tea.workers.line'), यह आवश्यक नहीं है कि आप पहले से ही चाय बनाने वाले दृश्य से इसे हटा दें। वर्कर.लाइनों को 1 बी 2 के कई बीपीएल। लोअर।

jquery - How to get x,y coordinates on clicking on Google maps -

I want coordinates for X, Y pixels, which I click on Google Maps using jquery. how to get? I can only get the values ​​of latitude and longitude .. but I need the left, top positions ..

Can anyone please help?

Try to use a click event on the container and on the event a offsetX and offsetY will depend on the container.

See this Bela:

ruby on rails - Understanding ActiveRecord::Base class name -

जबकि ActiveRecord स्रोत कोड को ब्राउज़ करते हुए मैंने पाया:

  वर्ग ActiveRecord :: बेस   

मुझे समझ में नहीं आया कि कैसे एक वर्ग का नाम ActiveRecord :: Base जैसा हो सकता है कृपया मुझे इसके लिए समझाओ, मुझे अवधारणा नहीं मिल रही है।

ActiveRecord वास्तव में एक रूबी है, जिसका मूल रूप से इसे परिभाषित किया गया है:

 < कोड> मॉड्यूल ActiveRecord # मॉड्यूल समाप्ति की सामग्री   

मॉड्यूल कक्षाओं और परिभाषित करने के लिए स्थिरांक के लिए एक नेमस्पेस प्रदान करते हैं, जिसका मतलब है कि वर्गों को मॉड्यूल के अंदर परिभाषित किया जा सकता है, क्योंकि ActiveRecord :: Base < / कोड> है तो यह समान है

  मॉड्यूल ActiveRecord class बेस # class end end की सामग्री   

सामान्य में, :: ऑपरेटर को नेमस्पेस रिज़ॉल्यूशन के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है, नामस्थानों के भीतर संदर्भित स्थिरांक के लिए। तकनीकी तौर पर, किसी कैपिटल कैरेक्टर के साथ शुरू होने वाला कोई भी चरम स्थिर होता है, इसलिए बेस स्थिर होता है जिसका मूल्य क्लास ही होता है! और अगर एक निरंतर नाम FOO ActiveRecord में परिभाषित किया गया था:

  मॉड्यूल ActiveRecord FOO = "foo" end   

तब उसका पूर्ण-योग्य चर नाम होगा ActiveRecord :: FOO

directory - Delete multiple directories in python -

In Python, I understand that I can delete several files with the same name using the following command:

Can be removed from Shutil.rmtree ('/ path / to / dir') - and this command will remove the directory, even if the directory is not empty. On the other hand, os.rmdir () needs to be empty.

I really want to delete several directories with the same name, and if they are not empty, then I'm looking for something like shutil.rmtree ('directory _ *')

Is there any way to do this with python?

You have all the pieces: iterates , Rmtree () deletes: path to glob.glob ("directory_ *")

 : shutil.rmtree (path)   < P> This  OSError  if a globbed path returns a file name, or for any other reason that  rmtree ()  may fail, you handle the error during the error view You can, once you decide how you want to handle errors, it is not understandable to add this error It comes, unless you do not know what you want to do with the error, so I have left to deal with the error.   

javascript - Exporting Highchart to data:image/jpeg -

I have searched the information everywhere but I do not know anything about it.

I would like to make a report in PDF on some charts in my chart. I am going to use JSPDF to create a PDF. But to keep images on that PDF, I need images' data: image / jpeg; Base64 'in this example:

But I have' Data: image / jpeg 'to Highchurch. I know that the hierarch can be exported to JPG or PNG, but the image has been downloaded. I do not want to download it, I need that image in the data format. Please please then the following is mentioned on the link you have specified:

  // You will need to create your image in the data url //   

to change jpg or png in the data code Use the above link.

ASP.NET Bind and Query LDAP -

So I'm trying to explain why I can not find my LDAP search to work. >

  Private string getDNFromLDAP (string string) {string string = ""; // Create an LDAP entry object directory entry entry = new directoryInterior ("LDAP: //,dc=blah,dc=com"); Entry. Authentication type = authentication type Secure Sockets Layer; Entry.Username = "cn = myaccount, cn = special, dc = blah, dc = com"; Entry. Password = "over change"; DirectorySearcher mySearcher = New Directory Finder (Entry); MySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree; MySearcher.Filter = "(uid =" + strUID + ")"; Search Results Results = mySearcher.FindOne (); Int nIndex = result.Path.LastIndexOf ("/"); StrDN = Result Path Substring ((Nintendix + 1)) Toaster (). Trimand (); // up spaces entry. Stop it (); Entry.Dispose (); MySearcher.Dispose (); // Returns the DN Return SRDN; }   

I know that the object I'm looking for (know with confirmation with ldapsearch) is known, but my result remains empty. I suspect that there is a problem with the base DN, but I do not know what directory search is using as the basis DN. Any help at all will be appreciated.

You have set the route using the search property. The root is set to the entry that you pass on the constructor, so it can be that you can not get your entry.

sublimetext2 - How to format django template in Sublime Text -

How can format a DJ ango template in the subtext text.