Wednesday 15 September 2010 - "Unable To Connect To Any Of The Specified MySQL Hosts" -

Thank you in advance for your patience as soon as I started typing it, I noticed that to browse similar topics SE has added the feature in this subject line. After finishing my resources, I am going to continue this post.

I have two machines on a local network.
Product Box - Ubuntu, Apache, Mono, ASP.Net, C # Date :) Development Box - Expiry with XMaria

My production box hosts my port at 80 IP port at Wan IP, So my mobile device (production test) or my

my connection string definitely follows: server = $ servername $; Port = 3306; Database = $ databasename $; Uid = $ user name $; Password = $ password $;

I have used all four server value combinations ([SERVERNAME], localhost,, real network IP for remote Dev and Test).

I know the bind: in my CNF.

Every time I go to my site on my site, server 500 error "unable to connect to specified MySQL hosts" is a product test (by typing in my WAN IP in a browser by visiting the site ,

netstat says that I am listening on port 3306.

I tried to remove port 3306. Connection string.

I have a password / pwd user ID / UID / U of different combinations of user Tried to use.

All failures please help!

Code> is bound to your My.cnf file means that you can only connect to the database from the local database computer Local loopback address, only allow local host connections if you are not hosted on the same server on the website, this is the reason why you can not connect.

C another server you want to connect to your database, then bind LAN IP address of the database server my.cnf file.

You can then enter the LAN IP address of the database server in the connection string and you should be able to connect

Your error is actually a network connection error, you have yet to authenticate Not being able to try different usernames and passwords, so once you solve network problems, you get a different error if authentication fails (For example, using the user @ host password failed)

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