Wednesday 15 September 2010

continuous integration - Where can I download the .NET 4.5 Multitargeting Pack for my build server? -

I want to create a .NET 4.5 / VS2012 solution in TeamCity. My agent works on which VS 2012 is installed, but on the agent on which VS 2012 is not, I get warnings like this:

C: \ windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ Microsoft.Common.targets (983,5): Warning MSB3644: Reference Assemblies for Framework ".NETFramework, Version = v4.5" were not found.

To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for the version of this framework or take your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or the Targeting Pack installed. Assemblies will be resolved with the Global Assembly Cash (GAC) and will be used in place of reference assemblies. Therefore, your assembly can not be targeted properly for the framework you want.

Can I set targets without installing all Visual Studio 2012, such as with .NET 4.0?

Where is the download?

(I'm feeling ridiculous ... but I searched and searched for it! Honest! It is suggested that it is available only with VS 2012, which looks like madness.)

You do not need to install any SDK. Just copy your TFS Build machine from your development machine to the same folder:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Reference Assemblies \ Microsoft \ Framework \ .NETFramework \ v4 5

If this does not work for you, see: While you will need SDK, however, comment from @Louis 55: "Windows Software Development Kit (Windows) For SDK) "link from the .NET Framework 4.5 section" unexpectedly " Ndojh Software Development Kit (SDK) have been "redirected to Windows 8.1. Net Framework 4.5.1 .

@Dotourge: A link to Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8, which is actually for the .NET Framework 4.5:

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