Wednesday 15 September 2010

.net - Running Matlab Code from dot net -


I have prepared a small program using matlab 2013 I can see in my dll: Test. TestMethods all my actions

I as a reference for your dot net project has been added, and MWArray matlab bin \ win64 \ v2.0 Dll from folder

** UPDATE: this line matlabe applications generate crushed code:

  MCR = new MWMCR ( "", ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);   

If I embed the ctf file - it will crush, if I do not embed it, then it will throw an exception.

I have set my program to create against x64.

Once I try to create an object:

  test. Test Myths Test = New Test. Test maths ();   

My app crashes I can only see the outer Visual Studio example:

  0x0000000001D36E60 (m_interpreter.dll). Access Violation place 0x00000000A5CE3920 reading position   

I do not know where to begin ....

EDIT1: Kmethod public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname example zero .ctor () cil managed {// code size 20 (0x14) .maxstack 8 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001 :. Phone example void [mscorlib] System.Object :: ctor () IL_0006: ldsfld class [mscorlib] System.Exception Test.TestMethods :: ex_ IL_000b: brfalse.s IL_0013 IL_000d: ldsfld class [mscorlib] System.Exception Test.TestMethods :: ex_ IL_0012: throwing IL_0013: retired} // end method TestMethods ::. Ctor

You can not generate MATLAB. From NET libraries The Net 4.5 assembly, also crashes when VS DeBugger is attached.

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