Wednesday 15 September 2010

Good looking graphics in C# window form -

I need to create some simple graphics as a window using C #. Simply put, I mean lines, circles etc. However, when I am depressed, a full circle, the edges are not smooth (as expected while pulling a circle using uniform pixels), but when it appears right to draw a circle similar to the same pixel in the vector program . I am portrayed in Inkscape for this example.

The vector software may use some sort of render function to smooth the colors, but can not make too much code in C #? Here's an example of a code, which is using the graphics to create a canvas.

  Private Zero StatGraphicsPanel_Paint (Object Sender, PaintEventArgs E) {Graphics Canvas = E. Graphics; Brush Brush = Brush. Aqua; (brush, 0, 0, 10, 10); This code tricks:   Solution   Private Zero StatGraphicsPanel_Paint (Object Sender, PaintEventArgs E) {Graphics Canvas = E.Graphics; Canvas SoftpingMode = System. Drawing Drawing 2D Softening mode Antilles; Brush Brush = Brush. Aqua; (brush, 0, 0, 10, 10); }    

You want to use the property in your graphics Before using the object, do this:

  canvas. ShootingMode = System Drawing Drawing 2D Softping Mod. Antialus;   

This will give you a good anti-alias alpiase, which instead of the default jogger

Similarly, if you want to attract high-quality text in an image, use the property.

As other people have described in the comments, you may want to consider using WPF instead. WinForms are dates.

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