Friday 15 April 2011

command line - Print which of a list of input terms has no occurances in files? -

I have a file containing my search terms:

  term1 term2 term3 < / Code>  

I have to see that none of these strings are visible in any file in the current directory.

So if the term1 and term2 files are in but not the Term 3, then the command should basically have to find out which of the input directory lists which text in the current directory is not in the config files.

Code> should be created with any search term from the file notfound.txt which is not found.
  @Ehco of del knight Txt 2 & gt; Tap Copy / A *. * Tmp.bin.tmp & gt; For faucet / f "delims =" %% a in ('type: C: \ fileterms.txt') ("%% A" & amp; lt; tmp.bin.tmp & gt; Nool} echo %% A) and gt; & Gt; Find notfound.txt del tmp.bin.tmp    

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