Friday 15 April 2011

java - Combining array indexes -

I have created two arrays to enter the name and store the sale I try to add the indexes of each one together So that the name array from index 1 will then bring the value of index 1 of array of sales. I am trying to solve this sale array and return the maximum sale and the person coming into that sale. All values ​​are input by the user with the size of the array.

  import java.util.Scanner; Import java.util.Arrays; Public Category EmpArray {Public Static Ent Worker (Scanner) = New Scanner (; Int numemp; System.out.println ("How many employees compare: \ n"); Numemp = input.nextInt (); String name [] = New string [numemp]; Int annsales [] = new int [numemp]; Int Maxless; For (int i = 0; i & lt; name.length; i ++) {System.out.println ("Enter your name: \ n"); Letter employineame = (); Name [i] = employment symbol; Println ("\ n"); } For (int jm = 0; j & lt; annsales.length; j ++) {System.out.println ("Enter in your annual sales: \ n"); Int Number of employees = input.nextInt (); Anselace [J] = Employees; Println ("\ n"); } System.out.println ("employee's name:" + Arrays.toString (name)); System.out.println ("Total Sales:" + Arrays.toString (annsales)); Arrays.sort (annsales); // See To begin page 456 with Java and page 460 of the same book, p.464 System.out.println ("Top salary: $" + annsales [annsales.length-1]); Maxnasless = Anselace [Anselace. Lanti-1]; Returns max; }}   

What I am doing wrong for two weeks on this

You should create a class to store dates instead of using two different arrays.

  Public Sector Staff {Private Equity Sales; The name of the private string; Public employee (string name, int sale) { = name; This.sales = sale; } Public string getName () {; } Public int getSales () {Return this sale. }}   

Now when you read from your scanner and pass them to the Employee Constructor, store the name and sale as a local variable. After this you can see a employee array [] or ArrayList & lt; Employee & gt; and Employee.getSales ()


  Import java.util.Scanner; Import java.util.Arrays; Public class EmpArray {public static zero chief (string [] args) {employee (); } Public Static Ent Operators () {Scanner input = New scanner (; Int numEmp; System.out.println ("How many employees compare:"); NumEmp = input.nextInt (); Input.nextLine (); Employee [] employee = new employee [number ampe]; {System.out.print ("Enter your name:") for (Int i = 0; I & lt; numEmp; i ++); String employee name = input.nextLine (); Println (); System.out.print ("Enter in your annual sales:"); Intel Employees = Input Xx (); Input.nextLine (); Println (); // Employee employee employee = creates an employee object based on the manufacturer defined in new employee (employee name, employees); Employee [i] = employee; } // First MaxSeller employee employee starts MaxSeller for staff [0]; For (Int i = 0; I & lt; employee; length; i ++) {// We use Gifters built into employee systems. Out.println ("employee's name:" + employee [i] .getName ()); System.out.println ("Total Sales:" + Employee [i] .getSales ()); Println (); // Check if employees [i] are sold more than MaxSeller (Maxelseller.Gatesless) & employee employee [i] .getSales ()) {maxSeller = employee [i]; }} System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Top Sellers:" + maxseller.getName ()); System.out.println ("Top Sales:" + maxseller.getSales ()); Return maxseller.getSales (); }}    

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