Wednesday 15 June 2011

android - SQLite update returns effected row count but data is not updated -

I have a method that updates a row in a table below. The number of a line will return, but the value has not been updated. Once it is for a line, it will always behave in the same way. Other rows will be updated properly

  Public Zero SetImageStatusToCompleted (string image id) {string where = "id =?"; String [] where ARG = new string [] {String.valueOf (imageId)}; Material Price Args = New Material Price (); Args.put ("position", 0); Full success; Try {db.beginTransaction (); Success = db.update ("images", RGS, where, whereorgs); Db.setTransactionSuccessful (); } Finally {db.endTransaction (); }}   

I can not understand it anymore, there is no exception, and as I have indicated, the value of success is always 1, which indicates 1 line.

Thank you!

Can you try this code? It's working more smoothly for me to use.

  ContentValues ​​value = new content value (); Values.put ("line", "value"); Db.update ("DBName", value, position or query pre: "number = '" + + + "+"' ', blank);    

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