How do I want to change objects oriented in my app's menu Currently I have two buttons that stacked on one another gone. Where can I keep it?
& lt; Menu xmlns: android = "" & gt; & Lt; Android: id = "@ + id / menu_settings" Android: orderInCategory = "100" android: title = "@ string / menu_settings" Android: actionLayout = "@ layout / main" /> & Lt; Android Android: id = "@ + id / menu_help" Android: title = "@ string / menu_help" Android: actionLayout = "@ layout / main" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt; Sorry for the bad formatting, I'm new to the overflow pile.
& Lt; Android Android: ID = "@ + ID / Support" Android: Icon = "@ Draubable / IC_Help" Android: Title = "@ String / Help" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt; It is weird that your buttons are stacked on top of each other. You should post your XML
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