Wednesday 15 June 2011

What is the difference between the default run_list and '_default' environment run_list in chef? -

I'm a bit confused about how to use the Environmentalist in Chief. As you can see the following role. In Jason Env_run_lists, you have _default and then we already have default run_list what's the difference? And what will run every time the run_list environment runs? "Chef :: roll", "[ap: :: copy_dev_configuration]"]}, "webserver", "default_attributes": {}, "json_class" Antivirus "run_list": ["role [base]", "recipe [apache]"], "description": "web server's role", "chef_type": "role", "override_editribute": {}}


I agree that this is quite confusing, especially because it seems wrong in practice. Seeing the source can see.

By reading, we can see that when role is created the object then it creates the keys of the run_list property of the _default environment Again, and then merged into the hash with the contents of env_run_lists attribute (written at value for _default key).

This is what NS in practice is that if you specify the run_list attribute, then you can add the _default environment to the env_run_list attribute < Em> not if you choose to include the _default environment in the env_run_list attribute, then it will overwrite anything defined in the run_list attribute.

Another obvious point indicates that if your node is not part of any environment defined in the role (_default or otherwise).

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