itemprop = "text">
I have priority Android: layout GFT I have set the layout in Android: the priority property layout in the xml file
Now I have to initialize a button in the layout (this is the +1 button). I need to get the button in that creative method (this is the +1 button), but when I use the Is there a way to view this preference? Update: It seems that priority is not created after adding xml, so I get zero. Where can I find ViewById so that the button is already made? Thank you. Preferences xml: preferred layout xml: You need to create a class that You probably need to override some additional methods, read about priority in preference - findViewById (button_id) , it blank.
& lt; Android's Choice: Title = "Rate This App" Android: Key = "Rate" Android: widgetLayout = "@ layout / plusone_pref" /> & Lt; / PreferenceScreen & gt;
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Comkgugl.andraidkgmskplskplusnebutton Ksmlns: android = "Actiteepi://schems.andraidkcom/apak/res/andraid" Ksmlns Plus = "Actiteepi://schems.andraidkcom/apak / Lib / "android: id =" @ + id / plus_one_button "Android: layout_width =" wrap_content "Android: layout_height =" wrap_content "Android: layout_gravity =" center_vertical "android: focusable =" false " Plus: Size = "Standard" />
preference , Then override
onBindView and you will have access to the view.
increases the MyPreference priority class {... @ Override Protected Zero Adjustment View (View View) {Super .onBindView (see); See myView = (view) view.findViewById (; // something ...)
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