I have a database that stores cost information for a partition according to the partition on an annual basis for an organization Is and is time-phased. Cost structure includes parents' relationships; Users can specify value values at any level in the structure, the only restriction is that at the higher levels in the hierarchy, all values are counted as the sum of children's nodes, if any child has the value of the node; Parent node values which are not stored in the results database as the sum of children's nodes.
I need a query that will calculate the values of parents on the basis of their children and there will be no set with zero for children (T-SQL, SQL 2008 R2) [SQL Fuel] MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup : Looking at the above structure and sample data, how do things look like this: It should give the correct result: Here is the fleet link: Note that to keep departments without costs, join the left between both DirectReports part .
Make Table Constructor Nodes (ID INT Not Null Primary Key, Name NVHAR ( 250) is not called, parent nodeID int, vs Esh key (parent Nodaidi) references Koststrccrnod (id)); Create the whole year (year INT not original primary key); Create abstract values (Nine INT INT, not year INT, not zero, value decimal (18,6) No primary key (node ID, year), foreign key (node ID) reference cost structure (ID), foreign key ( Year) Reference year (years)); INSERT ('1', 'Total Costs', NULL) in CostStructure Nodes Value; INSERT in coststructure nodes value ('2', 'R & amp; D', 1); INSERT in Coststroke Nodes Value ('3', 'Legal', 1); INSERT in Coststroke Nodes Value ('4', 'HR', 1); INSERT in cost structure nodes value ('5', 'IT', 1); INSERT ('6', 'software', 5) in the coststructure nodes value; INSERT in coststructure nodes value ('7', 'hardware', 5); Include Year Values (2010); Include Year Values (2011); Include Year's Values (2012); Include Value Value Works (1, 2010, 100000); Value added values (2, 2011, 50000); Include Value Value Works (5, 2011, 20000); Value Added Works (6, 2012, 22000); Value values include value (7, 2012, 13000); Value Added Works (2, 2012, 76000);
| NAME | Year | VALUE ------------------------------- | Total cost. 2010 | 100000 | | R & D | 2010 | 0 | | IT | 2010 | 0 | | Software | 2010 | 0 | | Hardware | 2010 | 0 | | Human Resources | 2010 | 0 | | Total cost. 2011 | 70000 | R & D | 2011 | 50000 | IT | 2011 | 20000 | | Software | 2011 | 0 | | Hardware | 2011 | 0 | | Human Resources | 2011 | 0 | | Total cost. 2012 | 111000 | | R & D | 2012 | 76000 | | IT | 2012 | 35000 | Software | 2012 | 22000 | | Hardware | 2012 | 13000 | | Human Resources | 2012 | 0 |
direct As with the Report (ParentNode ID, ID, Name, Level, Struct, Year), select (- Anchor a.ParentNodeId, as a.Id, a.Name, Level 0, Cast (':' + cast (As a.Id varchar)) + ':' formality (100)) as in the form of a stroke, from y.year to coaststructure nodes A, ear y where a.ParentNodeId is a blank union - recursive. Choose A.ParentNodeId, a.Id, a.Name, Level +1, Dust (D. Stuck + Cast (AID Varchar) + ':' Vertical (100)) as Struct, D.E.E.S. Constructor nodes include DirectReport D at d.Id = a.ParentNodeId) d.ParentNodeId, D. Yure, D.ID, D. Noam, D. Level, d. Stuck, - DD. DirectReport dt from DirectReport Dot to TotCost d.year = dd.year as Streak, Zodiac (case when D. Stuck = Sbustring (D.D. Stack, 1, Lane (D. Stuck)) then c.value else 0 end. Join cs.Year = dd.year at cs.Year = dd.year and c.NodeId = dd.Id to join the group d.ParentNodeId, D.year, DIID, D. Name, D. Level, d. No. Order by d.year, d.id
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