Thursday 15 September 2011

android - AutoCompleteTextView dropdown style ignored -

itemprop = "text">

madness ... no matter what I try to do, my AutoCompleteTextView show is the default style below Drop items with I can not do anyhow to see the hanging scene - I've tried styling in XML that it is coding up in my adapter as well as AutoCompleteTextView only coding above


  & lt; TextView xmlns: Android = "" Android: paddingLeft = "10dp" Android: paddingRight = "10dp" Android: paddingTop = "15dp" Android: paddingBottom = "15dp" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: textcolor = "# 000" Android: textSize = "16dp" />   

My clients ( ):

  AutoCompleteTextView user_name = (AutoCompleteTextView) layout.findViewById ( User name); Last MyAdapter & lt; Users & gt; Adapter = New MyAdapter & lt; Users & gt; (My_activity, my_list); // does not adapter anything. Setdropdown View Resource (R.layout.spinner_dropdown_item); // Application crash with no errors or nothing! User_name.setDropDownBackgroundResource (R.layout.spinner_dropdown_item); User_name.setAdapter (user_adapter); In the end, my adapter, which is working perfectly for any drop-down item for the spinner, but in the drop-down style for AutoCompleteTextView, fails in:  
  @ override public view getDropDownView (integer status, seeviewview, ViewGroup parent) {TextView TV; If (convertView == faucet) {layoutInfleter inflater = LayoutInflater.from (reference); Tv = (TextView) inflater.inflate (R.Let.spinner_dropdown_item, empty); } Else {tv = (TextView) Convertview; } T object = objects.get (position); String label = NULL_ITEM; If (object! = Null) {label = object.toString (); } Tv.setText (label); Return TV; }   

The dropdown text item is styled in any way, such as how can I change the drop down list in an AutoCompleteTextView? I think the problem was that my adapter class needed to get the desired layout in its constructor. Why can no IDEA refer to the desired layout in the adapter

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