Thursday 15 September 2011

ios - Drawing stroked UIBezierPath in drawRect not showing up -

I have a shape in which there are some UIBezierPaths that I am trying to attract to my ideas and they do not show up Can you tell me what I am doing?

  // Function to display custom drawing - (zero) Direct: (CGRact) shortcut {CGContextRef currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); (Stroke stroke stroke in stroke) {if (letter.strokes [letter.currentStroke] == stroke) {[stroke.path stroke]; } And {{stroke path stroke with Bildemode: KCGL and MODAnal alpha: 0.5F]; } [Self-SetanidiesDisplayInternet: stroke path.bounds]; }}   

The new code is not working:

 for  (Strokes in strokes stroke) {UIBezierPath * path = stroke. Path; [[UIColor blackColor] Setstroke]; [[UIColor redColor] Setfill]; CGContextRef currentContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextSaveGState (currentContext); CGContextTranslateCTM (CurrentContacts, 50, 50); Path.lineWidth = 5; If (letter strokes [letter.currentStroke] == stroke) {[across the path]; [Path stroke]; } And {{stroke path stroke with Bildemode: KCGL and MODAnal alpha: 0.5F]; } [Self-SetanidiesDisplayInternet: stroke path.bounds]; CGContextRestoreGState (currentContext); } 

I finally attached this view and let me see one of the view controllers Fixed them and properly layering them.

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