Thursday 15 September 2011

javascript - TextArea cell renderer for dojo/dgrid -

I am using dgrid / grid to define table structure I multiline table cells I want to display the text. I thought how the cell editor is textier, however, It is not clear to me how to display the multi-line text to the renderer too. How can I do this? I have it:

  editor ({label: "first name", field: "first", sortable: incorrect, editor: getCellEditor, EditOn: "dblclick" Disclaimer: wrong})   

"getCellEditor" is a helpful method that gives a dijit / form / TextArea double-clicking on a cell to create a multi- The line text field is generated, however, when I terminate editing and close the cell, the cell text returns to a line display. Here's the full grid definition:

  function getCellEditor () {new textiera is back; } // To create a new constructor, different custom grids = declare by mixing in components ([grid, keyboard, selection, columnset, column receiver, editor]); Var Grid = New Custom Grid ({columnSets: [[[Editor] (label: "First name", Field: "First", Sortable: Wrong, Editor: getCellEditor, edit on: "dblclick", Dismiss Center: Incorrect} Editor] getCellEditor, editon: "dblclick", dismiss atenter: wrong}), editors [(label: "age", field: "last name", area: "last", sortable: incorrect, editor: : Age ", sortable: false, editor: getCellEditor, editOn:" dblclick ", reject center: wrong})]]], selection mode:" single ", to select // only once on cell Select a single line. For keyboard, only allow row-level keyboard navigation}, "grid");   

This is my first Javascript question, so please do not miss any missing If you need any other information to answer this question, please let me know

render cell function you define attribute in textarea widget Can.

  function GetCellEditor () {new Tekstaria back ({rows: "5"}); }   

Try this it can help you.

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