Sunday 15 July 2012

qt - Qt5.1 project with C++11 support - linking external libraries -

I have a Qt5.1 project which is also a link against external library - DCMTK. I think lots of link errors coming from this external library are appearing: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "std :: basic_stringbuf & lt; four; std: : Char_traits & lt; four & gt; STD:: Suppressive & lt; four & gt; :: str () constants ", referenced from: libccmdata.a (dcdicdir.o) DcmDicomDir :: getDataset () In DcmDicomDir :: getDirRecSeq (DcmDataset & amp; libdcmdata.a) (dcdicdir.o) ...

I am using C ++ 11 features, so my QT has: CONFIG + = c ++ 11 . Where are the link errors coming from? Is it that there is a DCMKT link against different C ++ libraries? I need to change the compilation flag for DCMTK library

to be a small task revealed -? To configure DCMTK and use libc ++:

  ./configure CXXFLAGS = "- stdlib = libc ++" LDFLAGS = "- stdlib = libc ++" cc = / usr / Bin / clamp CXX = / usr / local / clang ++    

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