Sunday 15 July 2012

ssl - curl ca-cert error installing Meteor on Mac -

I'm trying: curl --insecure | / Bin / sh

And I get: Curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: Authenticated certificates in certificate chain here More details:

I tried - without Unsafe parameter after unsuccessful

I tried to find only the only proof by finding in my system: curl --cacert '/Users/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tornado/ca-certificates. Crt '

Temporary solution:

I have got some posts about meteorite Gitob, any idea about how I can get these certs or properly meteor without installing these problems can do? People reporting such people are a temporary solution if you really want to jump in the meteor without paying much attention to seater stuff

So, curl is not working with https url where They load the data. I download shell scripts, and amend a bit.

If you open with your browser, you will see the .sh script. Then, you can edit this script [I think you can see where I'm going].

I did a little more work,

line [63-69]:

  TARBALL_URL = " Bootstrap / 0.6.4 / meteor-bootstrap- $ {PLATFORM} .tar.gz "INSTALL_TMPDIR =" $ HOME / .meteor-install-TMP "RM-RF" $ INSTALL_TMPDIR "MKDIR" INSTALL_TMPDIR "Echo" Download Meteor Distribution " Curl - Progress bar - Take advantage of "$ TARBALL_URL". Tar-xzf - C "$ INSTALL_TMPDIR"   

Follow TARBALL_URL with other resources from Curl, and download that teji ~ / uncompressed, and you will be the directory ~ /. Meteor

Run this part of the script: line [75-84]

  test -x "$ HOME /.meteor/meteor" echo echo "meteorite 0.6.4 Has been installed in your home directory (~ / .meteor). "If CP" $ LAUNCHER "" $ PREFIX / bin / meteor "& gt; / Dev / null 2 ​​& gt; & Amp; 1; Launcher = "$ HOME / .meteor / tools / latest / launch-meteor" then "Write a Launcher script at $ PREFIX / bin / meteor for your convenience" echo Cat & lt; & Lt; "EOF"   

will add the launcher

Then the meteor is added to your bin path. Boom. After spending 2 HS fighting with Certs, now enjoy your meteor app in 5 minutes and write :) Much framework!


I had the same problem It seems that Anaconda-specific Curl is executable.

What I just did / curl in usr / bin was to be the first option for the meteor installer. You can do this:

  $ export PATH = / usr / bin: $ PATH $ curl | Sh   

If you need anaconda already before, close the terminal and open it again.


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