Wednesday 15 August 2012 mvc - Problems building a cloned project using GIT for Visual Studio 2012 -

I started a new solution and created three sub-projects:

  1. Domain ( Class library)
  2. Web (ASP.NET MVC4)
  3. Unit Test Project

    After this, I have a GIT view in my files GitHub repository For Studio 2012 Update 2

    Push files properly (do not push bin folder).

    I went to my second computer and successfully cloned the repository.

    I tried to create a project and I found the following error message:

      Error 15 type or name space name 'custom' namespace does not exist in 'System.Web' Do you have an assembly reference missing?) D: \ source \ ros \ [project folder] \ MyApp.Web \ App_Start \ BundleConfig.cs 2 18 MyApp.Web error 16 type or name space name does not exist in the 'customizable' namespace 'System.Web' (Are you missing an assembly reference?) D: \ Source \ Repos \ \ Plan folder] \ MyApp.Web \ Global.asax.cs 7 18 MyApp.Web Error 17 Type or Name Space Name 'Bundle Collection' (You can not find the instructions or an assembly reference?) D: \ Source \ Repos \ [Project Folder] \ MyApp.Web \ App_Start \ BundleConfig.cs 9 44 MyApp.Web   

    Please note that these are completely new and empty projects And they do not make any problems on the computer first. All the errors displayed here were in the web project because this is the solution's startup project.

    I'm assuming that some files are mandatory in the bin folder (which has not been pushed from my first PC).

    How to solve this problem with any idea as we are getting more employees involved in the project and they will need to clone the repo so that they are all right to do everything for them. !


    You enable either binaries from the packages installed in your solution or comment can do.

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