Wednesday 15 August 2012

How ranking/score works in document joining in solr/lucene/elastic search? -

I have 4 indexed documents. 1. Product category, 2. Products, 3. Product details 4. Salesperson gives me all four Need to search keywords and return top-ranked products in all areas of documents.

Example Product Category: Electronics, Textiles and etc

Example Products: TV, Mobile Category Electronics

Example Product Description: 14 in size, black color Brand Samsung TV for

Example Seller: Dealer 1, Dealer 2

Example search query: "Samsung LED TV"

The relation between these documents in foreign matches. Formerly the category primary key will be in the product documentation.

I need keyword search which should match these 4 documents compared to products based on all regions and ranks.

I search through this problem with the child, search seller fields, product descriptions, products and categories are included separately and in the end results. The problem is the ranking goes down in some of the more relevant products for the user.

Is there any best way to search on all areas of documents related to joining documents and for some keywords so that the result is more relevant and ordered to be done?

The best way to get involved in documents before you add them to the index Lucene is a relational There are no such packages and there are similar packages that provide similar functionality, but you will generally provide better service by providing all the content you search for all your documents in the document. I believe that you want to find products here so that you can create documents like fields:

  Name: TV Category: Electronics Entertainment Dealer: Dealer 1 Dealer 2 Description: 14 size Black etc. etc. Text: TV Electronics Entertainment Dealer 1 Dealer 14 size black etc. etc.   

To provide fields to include everything in the above document text is added, ten Easily find anything related to your text, it seems that it will be helpful in your case, because then you can set text as your default area during search, or Can run a query like text: (Samsung LED TV) .

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