Wednesday 15 August 2012

twitter bootstrap - Rails Render Content without Navigation -

I am using bootstrap and rails, and my layout folder has my _navigation file . I am trying to create a "home page" without any navigation.

 : layout = & gt; False   

There is no CSS or anyone involved Layout - Only need to show the content to me ...

Is there a way to render , But ignoring the _navigation file is ignored?

figure it out. I made an empty layout.

 : render = layout = & gt; 'Empty'   

My empty layout looks like this (I've removed the layout code)

  !!! % HTML% head% meta {content = & gt; "Width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0" ,: name = & gt; "Viewport"}% title = content_for? (: Title)? Yield (title): "app"% meta {: content = & gt; Content_for? (Description)? Yield (: description): "app" ,: name = & gt; "Details"} = stylesheet_link_tag "app" ,: media = gt; "All" = javascript_include_tag "application" = csrf_meta_tags = yield (: head)% body {: class = & gt; "# {Controller_name} # {action_name}",: style = & gt; "Padding-top: 0px"} #man {: role = & gt; "Main"}. Container. Content .oo .pan12 = render 'layout / message' = yield% footer /! End of Container /! End of   

Also note that I have modified the body to over <0> padding-top (override bootstrap values) of 0px

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