Thursday 15 August 2013

android - How do I run Volley tests? -

I have imported clones of the latest version of volley

I take it, and run tests tried . Init & gt; ( $ MagicStopRequest on WaitableQueue & lt: project, but I get ClassNotFoundException

  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Java: 31 ) ( on android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest ( on android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest (on 175) android. on app.Instrumentation $ on android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart ( (   

I went theses tests?

Thank you.

volley framework repo comes with support for both ant and Grad based build system Gredl use Build System It's easy to run a tax test. I tried to use the ANT approach for a short time, but it was not straight forward and I like grades anyway.

First of all you need to establish a 1.10, which is required by Volley to write this answer to this version. Alternatively, you can clone, including some additional, such as support Gredle (Gredl bootstrapping utility to download the appropriate version of Gredl and use).

Then execute the following commands from the project root (either you grade or graylave based on the above options):

  $ & gt; Gradle clean connectedCheck   

This will work full of tasks, including testing.

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