I'd analysis which I have an authentication method that does not have a particular variable validation criteria.
- (minus) scale text view: (UIPinchGestureRecognizer *) pinchGestRecognizer {CGFloat scale = pinchGestRecognizer.scale; CGFloat lastScale; Previous = 1.0 = 1.0; If ([Pincgestraikaijr state] == Uaijasterraikaijijhrstet ended) {// reset the final scheme last.Scale = 1.0; Return; } If ([Pinpijastraikaijr state] == Uaijesterraikaijrstetbagn || [Pencgstraikaijr State] == Uaijestorraikaijrstet Chenjed) {Sijiflot Pincskel = [Pinpgetrekkinaijhr Scale]; CGFloat scaleDiff = PinchScale - previous scalves; If (ScalDiff & lt; 0) {scaleDiff * = 2; // zoom-out speed [self zoom Sinbol selection object Scale -skel]; } And {scaleDiff * = 0.7; // slow down zoom-in [self zoomsymbol: selection object scale: scale]; Previous = scale = pinch; }}} I get a warning: 'Value stored in previous Sky is never read' and never read values stored on 'Scale Diff' 'Can someone explain to me that The problem here is thanks to everyone! The
Last Skaikl is is a local variable and will not draw it ever gesture The state property of the identifier of all cases you should use a still variable instead. Fixed CGFloat lastScale = 1.0; ...
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