Thursday 15 August 2013

JSP error issue in java -

I wrote java servlet for a simple ebookshop and for some reason I do not understand I do not compile why it does not compile below I paste the portion of the code which gives me an error:

  Public Zero Intel (Servlet Config Conferencing) servlet exception {conf. ); }   

The errors that occur are given below:

  1. & lt; Identifier & gt; Expected - & gt; (Public Zero ^ Ent (Servlet .....) ...)
  2. '(' Required -> Piblic void ** i ** nt
  3. Illegal type of launcher - & gt; public zero end ** (** सर्लेट ....
  4. ';' Expected -> Public Zero Int (Servlet Config ^ Conf) ...
  5. Identifier & gt; Expected -> Public Zero Int (Servlet Conf Conf * *) ** ...
  6. Illegal type of illegal start - & gt; Public Zero Int (Servlet Config F Confe ** ** throws **. ';' Required -> Public Zero Intel (Servlet Config Conf) throws ServiceLate Expenses ^

    I do not really get it, it's going to work. I will post if necessary

      public zero ** init ** (ServletConfig Conf) ServletException throws {super.init (conf);}   

    It should be init, not Int. This init method is calling you the init method of super squared.

    This is the same way you access the ServletConfig object in your servlet.

    By calling the way you can,

      ServletConfig conf = getServletConfig ();   

    The init method is called when the servlet frequency loads.

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