Saturday 15 March 2014

Extjs - multi upload file -

I use the single upload file using PHP well I am working. Now I am doing this with a multiprofile upload file. I got a question Maybe this is the best upload file I found. My code here is

  var form = Ext.getCmp ('form'). GetForm (); If (form.isValid ()) {form.submit ({method: 'POST', url: 'example.php', success: function (FP, O) {}}); } And {warnings ('unsuccessful'); }   

But I do not know the php file like how. Can not someone tell me a php file to upload more files :)

The code below will upload the last file (not multiple files) :(). How can I upload a multi-file


< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

  Ext.define ('Ext.ux.form.MultiFile', {extend: 'Ext.form.field.File', nickname: ' Widget.multifilefield ', initComponent: function () {var me = this; me.o N ('render', function) (me.fileInputEl.set ({multiple: True});}); me.callParent (arguments);}, onFileChange: function (button, e, value) {this.duringFileSelect = true ; Var me = this, upload = me.fileInputEl.dom, files = upload .files, names = []; if (files) {for (var i = 0; i   

There is a live demo of multiple uploads for EXJS 4.2.2

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