Sunday 15 June 2014

php regex to extract multiple matches from string -

I am trying to create a php regex to remove several sections / conditions from a string ... let me know Tell me I'm talking; This is a fraction of the total file content (the actual contents contain hundreds of these groups):

  part "c28" {type: "1AB010050093",% cadet type: "1AB010050094", shape: "2_1206", descr: "4700.0000 pFarad 10.00% 100.0 - VE5-Vs3", insclass: "CP6A, CP6B", gentype: "RECT_032_016_006", machine: "Mrs.",% package: "080450E"% _item_number: "508 ",% _Term_Seq:" "} of" C29 "{type:" 1AB008140029 ", shapeid:" 2_1206 ", descr:" 150.0000 5.00% 100.0 Volt NP0 ceramic capacitor pFarad ", insclass:" CP6A, CP6B ", gentype:" RECT_032_016_006 ", Machine:" SMT ",% Package:" 080450E ",% _item_number:" 3 ",% _Term_Seq:" "}   

As you can see They are, repeating the data in the quote, I need to search the entire file twice and remove the following:

  • String after the word "part" - that would be "C28" or "C29"
  • After the string "Type" property - which will be "1AB010050093" or "1AB008140029"

    Therefore, let me get the reference and related types of all sections from this file is required .. . And I'm sure it's the best way to go about doing this.

    Please tell me that more information is needed for help ... Thanks in advance!


    This expression will be:

    • Capture the group name to << Code>
    • type and descr fields
    • capture Type field to be taken should be put in a group named partnumber
    • which can appear in any order in the body
    • The descr field is optional and should be captured only if it exists. (?: ... )? Make bracket field optional around `` descr` region

      Note that this is a single expression so that you can use the x option So that the regex engine is ignored in white space. <{P>

      Sdescr \ s *: \ s + "(? P & lt; descr & gt; [^"] *) "))? (? = [^}] * \ Stype \ s *: \ s + "(? P [^"] *) ")

      Enter image details here

      PHP code example:

      input text

        portion "C28" {type: "1AB010050093",% cadtype: "1AB010050094", shapeid: "2_1206", descr: "4700.0000 pFarad 10.00% 100.0 - VE5 -Vs3 "Insclass:" CP6A, CP6B "Gentype:" RECT_032_0l6_006 "machine" Mrs. ",% package:" 080450E "% _item_number:" 508 ",% _Term_Seq:" "} of" C29 "{type "LAB008l40029", Shapeid: "2_l206", Descr: "RECT_032_0l6_006" machine:% package "Mrs.": "150.0000 5.00% 100.0 Volt NP0 ceramic capacitor pFarad" insclass: "CP6A, CP6B", gentype "080450E",% _i tem_number: "3",% _Term_Seq: ""} of "C30" {type: "1AB0081400 30", shapeid: "2_1206 30", insclass: "CP6A, CP6B 30", gentype: "RECT_032_016_006 30", machine " Mrs. 30 ",% Package:" 080450E 30 ",% _item_number:" 3 30 ",% _Term_Seq:" 30 "}   


      & lt ;? Php $ sourcestring = "your source string"; Preg_match_all ('/ ^ part \ s' (? P & lt; ref & gt; [^ "] *)" [^ {] * {(?: (? = [^}] * \ Sdescr \ s *: \ S + "(? P & lt; descr & gt; [^"] *) "))? (? = [^}] * \ Stype \ s *: \ s +" (? P & lt; partnumber & gt; ; [^ "] *)") / Imsx ', $ "mailing > $ matches Array: ([ref] => Array ([0 ] = & Gt; C28 [1] => C29 [2] => C30) [descr] => Array ([0] => 4700.0000 pFarad 10.00% 100.0 - Ve 5-VS 3 [1] => 150.0000 pFarad 5.00% 100.0 Volt NP Ceramic Apparatus [2] => [partnumber] => Hey ([0] => 1AB010050093 [1] = & gt; 1AB008140029 [2] = & gt; 1AB008140030))

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