Tuesday 15 July 2014

ruby on rails - my app break after updating rubygems and bundler -

I had an application made with RubyGomes package manager 1.8.24 and bundler 1.2.4, today I am using my RubyJams and Updating the bundler with these commands is the latest Worstian:

  Gem Update - System   


  Mani Update bundler   

My version of Rubygum is now 2.0.3 and my version of the bundler 1.3.5

But when I return to my app and I run the server I try to get errors from:

  /home/mody/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@global/gems/bundler-1.2.4/ lib / bundler / rubygems_integration.rb: 187: in `stub_source_index170 ': uninitialized constant Gem :: SourceIndex (NameError) -1.2 bundler from /home/mody/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@global/gems/. 4 / Lib / bundler / Rubigems_inakshnkarbi: 353: `the /home/mody/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@global/gems/bundler-1.2.4/lib in Stb_arubijems' / bundler / rubygems_integration .rbaxy50: in / home / mody / .rvm / gems / from ruby-1 `Pratisthapn_sntrpoint '9.3-P-385 @ Global / gems / bundler -1.2.4 / lib / bundler / runtime. RB: 14: `/ '/ / audio /. Gems / Bundler-1.2.4 / Lib / Bundler in `Setup 'from RVM / Games / RBI-1.9.3-PP 85 @ Global. RB: 116: `Hope / Mode / Arvim / games / Ruby -lk9k3-P385 @ Global / games / Rubygems-bundler -1.1.0 Se` setup /lib/rubygems-bundler/noexec.rb:77:in/home/mody/.rvm/ in ' 'Setup' from gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@global/gems/rubygems-bundler-1.1.0/lib/ Rubygems-bundler / noexec.rb: 89: `& lt; Top (required) & gt; `/ Home / need Mody / from the /home/mody/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p385/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:110:IN there is Rvm / rubies / ruby-1.9.3-p385 / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby / 1.9.1 / rubygems / core_ext / kernel_require.rb: 110: need 'rescue /home/mody/.rvm from' / Rubies / ruby-1.9.3-p 385 / bb / ruby ​​/ site_arubi / 1.9.1 / rubygame / core_st / kernel_require RB: 35: `/ '/ / / /' ROOM / GIMS / RBI-1.9.3 '' Requirements' from POPs: Bin / ruby_noexec_wrapper: 9:` & lt; Main & gt; '  

I am going to my app home directory so I am trying this command:

  bundle -v   

This shows me:

  Bundler is not compatible with RubyGums 2.0. Please upgrade to Bundler 1.3 or higher.   

I understand that the bundler version of my app is not compatible with my Ruby Gums

How can I fix this error?

Note All my gems are in default gemset.

Do I have a question about the difference between the gem-installed bundler and gem update bundler ? Because I think some people have to update the bundle to the gem installer

Thank you in advance

  gem-installed bundler --pre   

run this command

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