Friday 15 August 2014

Communicate between VB.NET applications across a LAN and WAN -

I am writing an application that will run on many machines on the network - I have not started writing any code yet As I look at the option at this time - I can notify every customer to their presence server, possibly by updating a SQL table that stores the machine information and the "offline / online" status field ... Unless you have a better way of doing this The Africa could imagine?

Also, on the network that every user is running on the PC, the "operator" will run a separate application.

Do I want to be able to do so that the operator sends the message to the customer, the customer receives this message and displays it in an information window operator application to do SQL query all Online clients will receive and then only send information to these machines.

I can do this in favor of SQL things, I do not know how to do that part ..

I will need to be able to send two strings at a time: - notification title () string and date Now to show when the message was sent) - Notification message (multiplexed - no more than 5 rows)

Please read the two text boxes and send a remote application to the application with any help Content that can allocate those values ​​to specify variables and a notification popup (I already have a popup working) would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance Merick

Depending on how you want to make this task complex and exciting, you can model and WCF And handle communication using some message queue (such as MSMQ, Tibco, ActiveMQ, etc.)

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