Friday 15 August 2014

linux - Zend - error in index.php - not opening Zend/Application.php -

I have a project written in PHP, in the Zend Framework. But when I go to the page: Localhost / Project / Public, I get an error:

  Warning: need_once (Zend / Application.php): Failed to open the stream: Any such file Or directory no /var/www/Project/public/index.php Fatal error on line 18: require_once (): Required to open 'Zend / Application.php' (include_path = '/ var / www / project / library: Line /   

line in /var/www/Project/public/index.php in / usr / index / php: / usr / share / pear ') 18 is the following:

  need_once 'Zend / Application.php ';   

I have set include_path in php.ini:

  include_path = ".: / Usr / share / php: / usr / local / zendfraamework / Library "  

The Zf project is successfully created by command from the console, so I think the Zend is well configured (still in php.ini).

Help me! What am i doing wrong

You can see the path you are using in error, and it will contain / usr / Local / ZendFramework / library is not included. Usually index.php overrides the path to point to that project's library folder. So either you want a copy of the ZF in the Library folder, or if you want to put ZF in / usr / local / , then you can call it / usr / local / ZendFramework / Library as well

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